Baking Gone Wrong

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A/N This imagine is dedicated to MissHayes159 because her imagine accidentally got deleted a while back. Hope you like it!!!


I woke up to the sound of my name being softly said.

"(Y/n), time to get up. (Y/n)."

I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head. I laid there expecting to be called again. After a few seconds of silence, I decided to just go back to sleep again, that's when I felt a heavy object sit on top of me.

"Ooff." I grunted and pulled the blanket away from my head. I looked straight into the eyes of my boyfriend of 3 years, Kendall Schmidt.

"Seriously? It's Saturday so one; you didn't let me sleep in and two; this is how you wake me up?" I tried to say the words angrily but couldn't help but smile when he started laughing.

"We'll actually one; it's Friday, two; it's my day off, and three; yes, this is how I wake you up." He grinned when I glared at him.

"We'll I'm gonna go back to sleep." I mumbled and closed my eyes.

"You really don't want to do that." Kendall said.

"Why?" I say suspiciously and open my eyes, that's when all of a sudden I felt his long, slender fingers tickling my sides.

"Kendall.....stop......please......I can't......breathe." I say in between breaths and laughter as I try to squirm out of his grasp.

"You have to get up then." He says like he's talking to a child.

"Ok......ok! Ill get up." I say giggling one last time and put my hands up in surrender.

He laughed and climbed off of me. I let out a huge breath of air and got up from the bed to get ready for the day.

"I'll meet you downstairs when Im ready!" I called from the closet.

"Ok. Hurry up!" I heard him shout back. I laughed and slipped on some comfortable clothes.

When I was finished, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I walked in to see Kendall surrounded by every ingredient from our pantry, bowls and utensils scattered around the counter.

"What in the world are you doing?" I say, stifling a laugh. He grins and shows me a page from a cook book.

"I thought we could grandmas world famous pancakes for breakfast!" He says, his beautiful sea green eyes sparkling with excitement.

I laugh. "Ok! But there's just one little problem." I walk around the island to a standing Kendall with a frown on his face and wrapped my arms around him from behind.

"What?" He says turning around to face me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You are a TERRIBLE cook." I say laughing.

"Hey!" He said, defending himself. I giggle and kiss the tip of his nose.

"But your cuteness makes up for it." He smiles and kisses me.

"We'll I guess that's ok." He says pulling back. I give him one more peck before turning to the book on the counter.

"Alright, ill start putting the ingredients in the bowl while you get out the..........wait," I read the instructions over again. " Preheat the oven?"

"Hey, I wouldn't question grandma. There world famous." He says shrugging. I giggle.

"Ok then, preheat the oven tooo..... 350'F."

He does what I instruct while I start putting the flour and eggs in the bowl.

"Okie dokie, all done. What now?" He says, watching from over my shoulder.

"Ummmm get me some vanilla extract."

We get all the ingredients in the bowl and I pour the batter onto a baking sheet and put it in the oven.

"Alright. Lets these cook for 10 minutes and were good." I say dusting my hands off. "Now time to clean." He groans and starts putting the food and supplies away and I do the same.

I bend over to pick up a measuring spoon. I stand up straight and feel something flicked into my face.

"Kendall!" I see him holding the bag of flour in his hands with a devilish smirk.

He slowly puts the bag behind his back, looks away and starts whistling as if he hasn't done anything. I glare at him even though he's not looking at me and grab the bag of powder sugar from next to me. I grab a handful and flick it all over him.

He gasps loudly. "You did not just do that." He snaps his fingers in a zig zag motion. I can't help but laugh.

"You are such a dork but I have no idea what you are talking about." I put the bag behind my back. He flicks some sugar out of his hair.

We end up running around the very large house, covering every inch of it and ourselves in flour and sugar.

I jump on the couch, drop my bag and raise my hands in surrender.

"I give up."

"What?! You can't surrender that easy!" He pulls me down by my leg and I end up laying on my back on the couch, he hovers over me. I give him a kiss.

"Please?" I say looking into his eyes.

He considers this for a moment and then before I could blink, dumps the rest of the flour bags contents on my face. I scream and start trying to push him off of me to no avail.

He laughs and starts kissing me, placing both of his hands on my cheeks. I melt into his touch and kiss him back.

"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!" The house's fire alarm rings.

I gasp and we both jump up. I run to the kitchen and start fanning away the smoke with my hands. I take out the pancakes which look like black rocks and place them on the stove.

Kendall comes in behind me and starts laughing.

"We'll, these wont be world famous." He picks one up.

I shrug.

"Doesn't matter to me." I say and wrap my arms around his neck and step on my tiptoes to kiss him.

"Now where do you want to go eat?"


So I'm always taking requests!!! So tell your friends, family, mailman's daughter or even your dog to read if they are Rushers!!!



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