xx. an ending for now

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first off, let me say what a beaut willa is jfc. second, i am so unbelievably sorry for being gone for nearly 6 months... i kinda just got writer's block then gave up for awhile. but here i am, ready to supply you with your much needed chapter. hopefully i can deliver. love love love you! this chapter goes to @Natnat2015 for voting and commenting :) please leave comments and votes for a possibility of having a chapter dedicated to you... lol now i sound needy. OK I'M GOING TO STOP RAMBLING AND JUST LET THE CHAPTER DO THE TALKING. ENJOY YOU BEAUT. 

- h a r r y -

Her hair jolts and jerks and flutters in the wind with every twist and curve. I look at her and smile, knowing that she is the one and only person I'd ever want to be here with me. Her eyes were bluer today, seeming almost translucent in the glint of the sunlight. They were set into slits as her nose crinkled and mouth opened into a laugh. She shook her hair out and shouted. She looked free, happy. Long gone was the nervous girl standing on my doorstep with dead flowers placed atop her head. This was the Annetta I loved most, if that was even possible. I loved the girl who was free and had no filter, who loved and laughed and did not concern herself with what I thought, or what anyone thought for that matter. Her body glowed bright yellow; she was happy, happy in a way I'd never seen her. I wanted to lean over and kiss her dead on her lips, but for fear of losing control of the steering wheel of the car, I refrained.

How did I learn how to drive? It all seemed hazy now. And, quite frankly, why did it matter? She was here, and I was here, and we were both free under this picturesque clear cerulean sky and above these emerald grasses. I was content, tranquil, undeterred, dauntless. My life was finally mine for the taking. Gone was the sad, brooding, overly-paranoid me of the past. We both knew one another; there were no secrets between us.

My reverie was interrupted by the undeniable feeling of another's presence. My smile dropped. Annetta asked why.

"I just―it's nothing. You look beautiful," I said, glancing at her for a moment. She laughed.

"Don't go all soft on me, Harry." She nudged my shoulder playfully.

Out of nowhere, there was a "Harry." It was a voice so clear, so recognizable, and yet, undecipherable. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. I stayed quite, as to not disrupt Annetta's fun.

Again, "Harry." I shook my head, trying to rid the voice from my head. Not now, Kitzowich!

And yet, I knew it wasn't him. He would never call me Harry. He would never call for me in Annetta's presence. Would he?

"HARRY!" The voice was agitated, shouting now.

"Yes?" I responded, "What? What do you want?"

"What is your problem, Har? You okay?" Annetta asked me, her eyes flashing with puzzlement and slight concern.

"It's-It's nothing. Don't let me stop you! Enjoy yourself," I smiled weakly at her, yet she obeyed. She resumed her playful, carefree state as if it had never ceased. I spoke quietly to the voice.

"What? Who are you?" I asked.

"It's me, Harry. It's Annetta."

"What? No, that's highly improbable. Annetta is right here with me."

"No, she's not Harry. That's not me."

"Who are you to tell me? I'm the one that's here."

"I am too. I'm right in the backseat."

I glanced back, only to see that no one resided there. Annetta eyed me curiously... Or not Annetta, I have no idea.

"No, you're not."

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