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Third Person

Lydia turns 19 years old tomorrow, and to say she was happy would be an understatement. Lydia was finally going to get her own house, her parents had made that promise when she was 16.

Lydia was a smart girl, she graduated top of her class. She even gave the graduation speech for her class of 2015. Lydia was the type of person that had to see it to believe it. Other than her religious preferences. She grew up believing in god, that's what her parents raised her on. They taught her that she must graduate high school, go through college and graduate, then find her a man, have her relationship with him be longer than three years before they got married, have kids with him, and then live a happy life however she wanted it to be from there.

Before they even told her all that, she knew that that was what she was going to do with her life. And that made her parents extra proud in her, since she was the only child. If anyone questioned her about why she believed that, she could tell them a thousand reasons in an instant.

It was nightfall and Lydia was home alone because her parents were at work. Her mom was a Neurosurgeon, while her dad was a Veterinarian. They has both got called into work at 11 at night. Lydia wasn't a cook, so she decided on making a salad. Which is what she's had for the whole week, it wasn't unusual to her. She usually either made her own salad, or went to the store and bought an already made salad. She was a very healthy girl, she rarely ate anything that was junk food. Like pizza, burgers, fries, chips, etc.

After Lydia was finished eating, she decided to go outside and lay in her hammock that her parents bought her on Christmas two years ago. Everyone at her school called her stuck-up because she gets whatever she wants. It's not her fault her parents are doctors, and she's the only child. She used to get a lot of hate from everyone, except for one kid. Luke Hemmings. He was always nice to her, even though they only talked five times, but he was still nice to her. Lydia had always wanted Luke to be her boyfriend, but she never did get the courage to ask him out.

Lydia sighed and looked up at the stars, she started thinking back when she wanted to be an astronomer. She was only 10 years old at the time, but at age 10 she wanted to be everything. She didn't know what the hell she actually wanted to be. Now, she's in college studying Science & Medicine.

Lydia was just going to a community college, even though she had gotten so many scholarships to colleges, she wanted to be close to home.

I wish I could share this with someone else, Lydia thought as she looked up into the sky. She had never had a serious relationship before, she's only had two fake relationships. One was a dare, and the other was with her guy best friend, Calum. She'd be lying if she said that she didn't have feelings for Calum then, and now. She still talks to him, of course, they were best friends and still are.

Lydia was pulled out of thinking when she saw a shooting star. It had to be the most wonderful thing in her life. She didn't really believe in shooting stars, but she decided to do it for the hell of it.

"I wish I could have 19 wishes." Lydia whispered her wish with her eyes closed. She opened one eye and looked around for any funny business. And like she had guessed, shooting stars were fake. She rolled her eyes, and got out of her hammock. Lydia went to her room and changed into her pajamas, and then went to bed.

At least she could have her 19 wishes in her dream. Hopefully.


Hey everybody (starts singing Hey Everybody), I hope that this chapter was good. Give me feedback if you'd like. I hope that ending this chapter wasn't as weird as I thought it was.

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