Chapter One

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Percy's POV
Hi. Yeah, you may be thinking, 'who is this person that just randomly said hi to me.' Well, I am Percy Jackson, the so-called 'son of Poseidon,' and then you may be like, "So-called?! What is that suppose to mean?!" Of course I am busy right now so I'll give you the quick rundown. I am the son of, mainly, Eros (aka Cupid, Greek god of procreation, love, sexual desire, and no, he doesn't shoot love arrows at people, I mean, come on! That's what a gun is for! *cue maniac laughter* Yes, I did get the maniac laughter from my other father, deal with it!) and Loki (aka Norse god of mischief, shape-shifting, fire, trickery, and ice), and I say mainly because to birth me, Eros and Loki collected the semen of all of the male gods, and somehow managed to get the female ones as well. I am not even going to pretend to understand, because they never told me. But, as I was saying, I am the son of all the gods in existence, you name a random god or goddess, they are my father or mother. It's quite disgusting really, because they both did it on purpose, and with different identities. Loki would shape-shift into different-looking women, continually go with men, and then steal their semen after a long night of... activity, while Eros went with the females and found a spell that gave him the DNA of the women, but in semen form. Both my 'main' parents slept around with mothers, fathers, their parents, their sons, their daughters, their grandchildren, everyone (only demigods and humans were left out). And so, every month I would get a new power from my mixed heritage. Of course, I never got to use them because of the spell Loki put upon me, but I knew they were there, just waiting for me to tap into them and let them roam free. I have also killed the Minotaur, retrieved the Master Bolt, retrieved the Golden Fleece, retrieved the Helm of Darkness, became a Roman Praetor after having my memory wiped, courteous of Hera, lead the battle in the Second Titan War, defeated Kronos (also my father), freed Thanatos (another father), one of the prophesied seven, survived Tartarus (my father), survived the Labyrinth, survived the Sea of Monsters, lead the battle of Manhattan, lead the Second Olympian War, killed Medusa, killed the Hydra, killed a ton of monsters really, and some other things I can't think of right now (seriously guys, cut me some slack, I'm about to kill one of my mothers!) "Percy!" I hear Annabeth scream. Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening. I see Annabeth lying there, so still, so serene, so... Dead. My mother killed her, my mother killed my soulmate! I let out a blood curdling scream and sink to my knees, vapor traveling over to Annabeth. I kneel next to her, softly brushing her blonde princess curls out of her face as I say my final goodbyes. Every one of the seven had died, including me, I am dead mentally and emotionally, an empty shell. I slowly stand up after closing Annabeth's once vibrant, beautiful gray eyes. "How could you? How could you mother?" I whisper unemotionally. My voice sounds dead, and even Gaea flinches, then she laughs sinisterly. "Did you just call me mother?" She says while trying to hold in mad giggles. The Olympians just stand off to the side after seeing Annabeth die. They are still in shock, but I am not, so I have to do something, I have to avenge my friends, my family, and my love. "Yes," I whisper, "I am your son, even if you do not realize it. I am every god and goddess's son." Gaea scoffed, "Impossible, I didn't have any other children." I just shake my head. "Do you remember any one night stands with Eros maybe? He stole some of your semen to make me, and now, I'm going to unmake you." I draw Riptide and click the pen. Sure enough, my pen becomes a gleaming celestial bronze sword. I slowly advance toward her retreating figure. "Y-you can't k-kill me. I-I am immortal," she whimpers. "That's where you are wrong. With all of this special blood flowing through my veins, I could create a new universe. I could make you fade, but I'll do something worse. I'm going to kill you and then scatter your essence so that you can never reform." I said, as I walk forward and slice her head clear off her neck. She's in too much shock to function when I separate her molecules and diverse then across the galaxies. Just one less parent to worry about.

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