Meet Eren Jeager

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Hi ladies and gentleman! Welcome to another Ereri fanfiction also some other ships! Now on with the story!!
Eren Pov:
Don't you ever feel when you just want to stay in the darkness? Or just escape your fears and problems? Well im Eren Jeager a pureblood vampireme an my mom are the only purebloods left i have alot of powers and i dont die easily like a silver bullet or wooden stakes i have powers like lightning, fire, water, air, and earth other vampires tremble in fear from me but i mean no harm my only friends i have are mikasa, armin, jean, sasha, connie, annie, reiner, and bertholdt they were the only ones not afraid of me well im on my way to the city its daytime the sun doesnt bother me because im a pureblood i walk on the streets and look at people talking and spending happy times together

I see a child run up to me crying i crouch down to her height "whats wrong little one?" she sobs "i-i c-can't find my m-mommy!" i pat her head and stand up i hold out my hand for her to take "come I'll help you my dear" she nods and grabs my hand we walk to the park to find a women on the verge of tears panicking and looking for someone the little girl lets go of my hand and runs to her the women notices and opens her arms to embrace her child i smile from the sight i was about to walk away until someone grabbed my hand "thank you for helping me mister!" i smile and she smiles and hugs my leg "i hope to see you again!" her mother walks closer "thank you for helping my daughter sir" i nod "i just dont like little children on their own" she pulls out her purse and take out a 20 dollar bill "here take this" i shake my head " no please i can't accept it i just helped because i loved helping people" she nods i let a tear fall down my cheek she gasps "whats wrong?" i look at her "please dont tell anyone but im something you might hate" she looks at me and sighs "My name is Abigail but you can call me Aby for short" i nod "My name is Eren Jeager" she looks at me "please tell me whats the matter?" i look on the floor "im a-a v-vampire" she looks at me and comes close she hugs me "you brought me my daughter back it shows me your not a monster that kills humans"

After i gave her a mocking bird whistle which means if she needs help she blows in it and i come to help her on what she needs when i walk back home my mom hugs me "Eren! You were out too long why were you late?" i gave her a smile "i was helping alittle girl look for her mother" she nods and walks back when i got upstairs i start to study by the time i finished it was 9:45 pm right when i walked out i heard the whistle i quickly ran out with super speed following the sound once i came i was at an alleyway i speed walked in "no! Stop leave my child alone!" i hid in the shadows "well she is a pretty one I'll take her to sell as a slave" i grit my teeth in anger "i wouldnt do that if i were you" i walked out from the shadows it was a buff guy with brown hair and dark brown eyes "oh yea what makes you think i will listen to you" he picks up the child puts her over his shoulder and starts to walk away "AMANDA!" Abigail screams "MOMMY!" i pop out my fangs and run at him i take her off his shoulder and carry her to her mother i turn around and run at him he quickly punches but i dodge it and slam him against the wall "Abigail shall i kill him?" i look at her she looks at her daughter and covers her ears and eyes and nods i bite harshly at his throat and drink his blood until there isn't a single drop then i throw his body into a nearby trash can " come one Abigail and Amanda I'll take you home"

Levi Pov
I walk to the church where im suppose to be for a meeting i walk in and walk towards the big white doors i open them and im greeted with a squeal that makes you ears want to bleed "Oi shitty glasses shut the fuck up!" i glare at her but it doesnt do any affect on her she just laughs "Oi eyebrows why did you call me here?" Erwin looks out the window "well the vampires want peace with us" he turns around " and they want to live like us humans do" i click my tongue and walk towards the door "oh and levi" i turn my head to look at eyebrows "we have a meeting with the last purebloods" i hide my surprise by opening the door and walk out 'i wonder if they have a son?' i shake my head 'what the hell am i thinking' i walk to my car thats not so far and climb in after starting the engine and turning on the heater i drive to my house after i park infront of house i get out and walk to the door i take out my keys and open the door i step inside greeted by the cold air inside my house i shiver and walk to the heater after that i cook dinneronce it was ready i cleaned my plate and walked upstairs i got some sleep wear and a towel to shower after my 30 minute shower i dry off and change once im dome i brush my teeth more than 3 times i get out and walk towards my bed slipping into the covers and soon darkness comsumes me and i go to a blissful dream

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