Chapter 1

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 A pounding in the back of my skull slowly brought me back to reality. My vision was blurred around the edges and seemed to tremble in the same rhythm as my unstable breathing. A loud persistent ringing had me worried for a split second that I could have gone deaf.

 Then the real pain hit me like a truck, all at once. Instinctively, I carefully rolled to my side and curled up into a tight ball, and my sight began to come into focus. I was on the floor. Glass littered the floor around me, with what seemed to be little droplets of blood. Bringing up my hand I rubbed my eyes, hoping I was dreaming, and my fingers brushed against my forehead. The blood was mine, and I was covered in injuries.

 Then came the memories, the Vault sleepover, the Laboratory, the explosion...

 "Cait wake up. I need you to see something." Aaron shook me awake, with a sense of urgency and fear in his eyes. It took moments to readjust myself, remembering that I was at a sleepover with a few of my friends. Speaking of friends, Wren and Joey stirred in their sleep with the sudden commotion.

 "God, what time is it? Can it wait?" Joey yawned and rubbed his eyes.

 "No it can't. Follow me." Aaron turned on the flashlight that was located in his Pip-boy. The pip-boy was a device that was given to every Vault member at the age of 16. It had many functions, including of course a flashlight, the health conditions and status of the wearer, a map of The Vault, a radio, and some other miscellaneous things that we've never really had to use. Most of the Vault dwellers tuned in to the radio station we have that consistently played a mixture of old-timey pop music and smooth jazz.

 The long hallways were silent, save for the echoing steady soft footsteps of a few students. It was dark too; the Vault lights were in their dim power-saving mode that was always present with the night.

 Wren appeared sluggish and disgruntled. "Could you maybe give us an explanation, please? I'd rather get back to sleeping, thank you very much."

 "This is more important." Aaron seemed set, wherever we were going. It was silent for a good minute, and then he spoke again. "I went to go grab a book from my room-- I didn't think it was that far or anything-- and I passed the Laboratory. I just, noticed the door was slightly open and..." He trailed off.

 "What did you do, Aaron?" Wren's footsteps faltered for a moment and quickened to catch back up.

 "I know we're not supposed to go in but I, I just wanted to see what was in there..."

 And so there we were, at the door, with my heart quickening at the idea of what lay behind the door. Many of the adults living in the Vault (including almost all of the students parents) were scientists. Most of them studied us (the kids and adolescents) but a select few, including my dad, were chosen to work in the Laboratory. There were rumors of course as to what they worked on, and it was a common dare to see how close one could get to the door. Whenever any of us would ask a question regarding the subject, it was always covered up with how it was confidential, and how we didn't need to know. Other than that life in the Vault was usually perfunctory.

 I gave a feeble attempt at wiping the blood off on my shirt. Instead, it seemed to smear across the already limited clean areas of my hand. Grimacing, I carefully pressed my hand against my arms and legs, assessing the damage. Some more minor cuts and definitely some areas that would leave bruises, but no broken bones or anything serious.

 Finally, some good news.

 The door was still slightly ajar with a dim green light filtering through the crevice. I was the first to grab the handle and slowly push the door open. Aaron offered to stay watch in case anyone were to check on the laboratory. In truth, I just think he didn't want to go back inside for a second time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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