Chapter Four

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(Ashley's P.O.V.)

Travis, Cole, and I ended up watching T.V. for a while. I was next to Travis and Cole was on the other side of him. I wasn't too comfortable with Cole in the house because I knew he would probably try and hurt me if Travis left for a second, but whatever.

I just needed to make sure Travis didn't leave me with him for a second. We agreed on a CSI marathon. Cole's phone rang about four episodes in.

He stood up and walked onto the porch to take it. Wonder who it is.

(Cole's P.O.V.)

My phone went off while I was watching some crime show marathon with Travis and Ashley. I was actually enjoying it. I reluctantly got up and went onto her porch to take it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Yo Cole! Its Josh. We thinkin bout messin with Grace. You in?" he said. Idiot, talks like he's some gangster or whatever. "Um sure. I'm actually at her house now" I said. I literally slapped myself. Why did I say that?

"YOU ARE WHERE?!?!" he shouted, excited for some reason. "At her house" I said again.

"We be there in five" he said, hanging up. What is wrong with me. Things are about to become very bad. I walked back over and casually sat down on the couch. A different episode was on.

"You okay? You seem... off" Travis whispered. I don't know why, but I explained everything and when Ashley wasn't looking, he punched me in the arm. Hard. I deserved it though.

He grabbed my arm and led me into the hall, telling Ashley to give us a minute. "Dude, you really screwed up this time. You told them you are at our house. Do you realize that they will take this as an opportunity to really mess with her. She is actually trusting you in here. When they get here, everything bad that could happen will probably happen. You are in here because I'm here too." he whisper screamed at me.

Lectured once more. I hate to say this, but he's right. Again. I am basically going to be forced to hurt her, as usual. This time, in her own home. She was allowing me to be in her house, only because if I did anything to her, Travis would be here to stop me.

Once they find out Travis is here too, both of them are done for. The guys pick on him too only because he sticks up for Ashley when he catches them, if he does.

I couldn't think of anything to say. I was about to put my best friend and secret crush through something I couldn't even imagine. Probably worse than usual.

Then I realized something. Josh called me about 15 minutes ago. He's only 5 away. Oh no. I ran back into the living room and saw Josh, Trevor, and Zach had her cornered and pinned against a wall. Zach noticed me and said, "Hey man. I can't believe you got in. How'd you do it?"

"Who cares? All that matters is he told us" Josh said. He had to say I told them. I seriously might kill him later.

I looked at Ashley. Her eyes read hurt, anger, and regret. She now regrets letting me stay and she was hurt because I told them and she knew I was going to help.

"Well?" Josh said, motioning towards Ashley. I walked over to her and she looked away.

"Don't you look away from me" I said grabbing her face and making her look at me. She was crying. It broke my heart, but my reputation side took over. I hate this, I hate picking this side but I don't do anything to stop it. I'm not even entirely sure how.

I threw her to the ground and pinned her arm down with my foot. I looked around and saw Trevor and Zach were gone. They probably found Travis. I sighed and kicked her in the stomach, hard. I stepped on her arm even harder and actually heard a crack.

I then stepped off and Josh took over. I couldn't bare to watch.

I walked back around the corner and saw Travis laying on the ground being kicked in the stomach over and over by Trevor. They aren't usually so rough, what is up with them? Wait, where was Zach?

That's when I heard a crash. It came from upstairs. I ran up there and saw broken glass pieces all over the floor down the hallway. I looked and saw the door to Ashley's room was the only one open.

I walked in and it was completely trashed. Her bed was messy, stuff was all over the floor, her windows were smashed, and her bathroom looked like a monkey was just there. I looked around and saw Zach throwing stuff off her desk and then breaking the DVD's in her room.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed. "Trashing her room what does it look like?" he said. "Wait, why do you care?" he asked. "I don't care" I said. "Then how come you screamed at me like I shouldn't be doing this?" he asked suspiciously.

"Cause I was mad you didn't tell me. I would've helped" I lied. "Oh. Well, join me now" he said. Me being me, I joined.

An hour later, it like a tornado hit her bedroom, living room, and kitchen. Zach was finishing his turn messing with Ashley and Travis was knocked out on the floor. I was in her backyard. Why can't things go back to the way they were in elementary school?

I felt someone tap my shoulder and saw it was Trevor. "You comin man?" he asked. "Yeah" I said. We walked through the house and I got a good look at everything. I immediately looked away and walked out of the house.

I hopped in the car the guys came in and we drove off. Zach and Trevor were going on and on about how we should do that again, but I wasn't listening. I just kept thinking about how I wanted everything to change. I wish I never treated Ashley like that.

I wish I could just tell her how I feel.

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