Story #1-An uncommon day

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Just as I had finished the test, I hear the teacher yelling at some boy for writing his name on the exam sheet. Seems likewe weren't supposed to do so. Well crap, mine is written. And in the pretty fudgeing middle. I'm done.

I begin to panick. Sh!t. Whyyyyyyy. Wait, wait, wait. I have an idea. If the teacher can't see my name written on the sheet, she won't know or be able to blame me. How can I do that? Let's cover the paper. With what? I look at my desk. I only have a pen in my hand so I open it and start to cover the name part of the sheet with ink.

Done. Wait what the heck I've just done. I'm dead.

I come across an excuse. I can say that my pen has burst. Awesome. You're a genius. To make it more credible I apply even more ink over the test and spread it around. I finish by dotting some ink around and stain my hands a bit.

It's high time. I am really nervous, but looking at the page makes me realize there's no going back right now. I raise my hand

-Miss, my pen has burst and it is kind of everywhere- The teacher gets closer to me and examines my sheet

-At least the ink hasn't got over the answer sheet. Now, go to the bathroom and clean yourself

I can't believe my luck. Did that really just happend? As soon as I leave the room I let out a nervous laugh. Wow myself. You're one heck of an actress. I go to the bathroom, wash my hands and stay a bit to calm down. 

I return to the classroom, the exam is picked up and I hear a boy talking to me

-I've never had a pen burst

I try to keep it cool -Yeah, it's not an everyday thing I think. At least it came off easily

-You mustn't have stained yourself a lot then.

I silently sigh and continue the small talk with him. I am relieved that nobody noticed. 


Did you find my writing style too bad, serious or boring? The story itself was not interesting, I know, but this is just to try out my writing skills. If you have something to tell me, either good or bad, let me know!

PS: I accept everything as far as it is about my writing way, not the crap plot of this thing XD

xo CandyShot

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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