Chapter 1

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Every day it's the same damn thing. I get woke up by the banging of a guard's metal keys on my cell door. They yell out, "James! Front and center!"
My wake up call comes every morning at the same time. It's been 2 YEARS of this shit! And all because a BITCH doesn't know when to stop fucking PLAYING! She's the reason I'm in here! I'm TRAPPED for 8 more years behind these bars.
Every day I wait and every day I pray. I sit and wonder why all of this happened to me. The story is hella crazy and hella confusing but I guess I should start at the beginning.
   My name is Tastaryae but most people call me Star. I'm a stud and I used to date this beautiful fem named Chasidy. Things were great at first but she had this ex that was always popping up and always hitting her line. 
   I had been asking her to stop talking to her. See, her ex was one of those LOUD mouth, UGLY, think they BETTER than everybody else, ABUSIVE ass, STANK ass hoes... But I aint gone throw no shade hehe. One day I was at work. Now keep in mind, Chasidy knew I didn't like her talking to her but she did it anyways. I got off early and came home to find her ex's car in my drive way. I immediately got heated. I walked in the door and didn't  see nobody. The first thing I thought was, I know this bitch aint got this hoe in my bed. I'm bout to murder a hoe today!
I walked quietly upstairs and as I get close to my bedroom door, it opens and there stands her ex, Quay. She was looking back laughing and neither one of them had seen me yet. I instantly grabbed her by her neck and threw her down the steps. I slid down the rail and she was picking herself up. Chasidy came running down the steps yelling.
   "Stop it! Stop! She was just checking to see if I was okay! I told her I had been sick!"
   " So you have her in my house? After you know how I feel about the situation? What the fuck? And while I'm at work at that!", I screamed.
   She made her way to her feet and swung on me, hitting me in the mouth. We started fighting and I slammed her face into the wall. Chasidy tried breaking us up and after a while she was successful.
   " Just leave Quay! Please! ", she yelled.
   She grabbed her keys off of the ground and went to her car and drove off.  I went in my bathroom and cleaned up my face.
   " Why'd you have to do that?"
   " Because you had that bitch in our house! You know how I feel about yall talking and meeting up and shit. Why would you even have her here?"
   " I'm sorry babe. I wasn't thinking. It won't happen again."
   " Why are you still talking to her anyways? I still don't understand. Like, she played you, beat on you, mentally abused you, and you still want to fuck with her? I don't get it! You say you don't want to be with her and shit but I'm asking you to stop talking to her, not only for me but for you too and you act like you just can't do it!"
   " It's not that I can't do it. It wasn't all bad with us. I don't want her back but I still have a loyalty to her. Like, if she wants to talk to me, I'm going to talk to her. If she needs me, I'm going to be there for her. I love you. Why can't you just get over it?"
   " That shit is ridiculous man. No matter how much of a bitch she is to you, you still gone be there for her? That shit crazy."
   I walked downstairs and went outside to the backyard. I went and sat in my beach chair and took out a pack of gars with a roach in it. I lit it up and stared up at the clouds.
I honestly couldn't believe that she would do some shit like that. After a while, I got up and I went to our room and she wasn't there. I texted her and asked where she went... No response. I got a little worried because that's my baby and I love her even though we went through some crazy shit. So, I called and she sent me to voicemail.. I was like..hmm I know she didn't just ignore my call.
I call again and she answers..
" Hey babe."
" Hey, why did you send me to voicemail?"
" Oh, I tried to answer but I accidentally ignored it."
I knew she was lying just by her voice. She can't lie to me but I let it play..
" Oh..okay well I was about to fix dinner. What did you want?"
" Anything is good. I'll be home in a little bit okay?"
" Alright baby.."
" Okay bye."
" Babe.."
" Huh?"
" Where you at?"
" At Tasha's house."
" Oh for real. Let me speak to her real quick.."
Tasha is the best friend and she's also a good friend to me.
" Oh, she is in the bathroom but I'll tell her you said hey."
" Ok babe. Bye. I love you."
" Love you too."
She hangs up.
Mhm. Something's not right.
I called Tasha.
" Hello."
" Hey T!"
" What's up Star?", she said sounding excited.
" Not much. Just about to start cooking.. Is my baby over there?"
" Um.. Yeah."
" Tasha.."
" Huh?"
" Please don't lie to me. You know y'all are not good liars."
" I'm not getting in it. She's my best friend and I think of you as a friend as well so I choose to stay out of whatever y'all got going on."
" I guess I can understand that. Well.. thanks I guess.."
" Don't sound so down. I'm sorry."
" You good. I got to go. Bye Tasha."
I hung up and went to go start cooking.

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