Chapter 3

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   " Wassup KT?", I said dapping her up.
   " Sup homie. You ready to let loose?", she laughed.
   " Hell yeah! Where you taking me?"
   " We going to the strip club, my nigga. "
   " Let's just hope that Chasidy don't find out."
   " Fuck that! You gone have some fun tonight."
   We pulled up to a club called, Gold Divas. We got in and immediately went to the bar. KT was flirting with the girl working behind the bar and she gave us our drinks on the house.
We took them and went and found a couple seats up front. We watched and got a couple lap dances. We had a great time as always!
We got out the door and walked to KT's car. When I got to my door, I heard a gun go off once and I ducked. A shot sounded again and I realized that the bullets were aimed in our direction.
" KT! Open the door!", I yelled holding on to the handle.
I felt a sharp pain in the back of my shoulder and I fell against the car door. I turned to see who shot me and I saw a blacked out Jeep pull off.
I heard females screaming and crying and I heard a deep male voice getting closer to me.
" KT!..", I yelled as my vision got dazed.
I stood up slowly, holding my shoulder. One of the security guys got to me and he tried to get me to sit down. I was just worried about my best friend. I got to the front of the car and I saw a security guard on the ground with my best friend in his arms. She was bleeding from her side and she had lost a lot of blood because it was all over the guy and the ground. She wasn't moving and her eyes were shut.
" KT!.. KT!.. Get up.. Get up man!"
I realized that at that moment, if I hadn't already, .. I could lose my best friend.
I started to fall to my knees but I was caught and hugged from behind. I heard sirens getting closer. They rolled up to us and two people came to me and two went to her.
" I'm fine, just help her man!"
" They have her. We have to get you to the hospital.", one of them insisted.
"I don't care man! Don't let her die!" I was thinking, Please.. don't let her be gone.
" She's breathing but barely.. We have to move fast. Let's go!" One of the females said that rushed to her side.
They got her on a stretcher and rushed her to the ambulance. They got me on one and we got to the hospital at the same time. They rushed us in together but took us in different surgery rooms.
I woke up in a hospital bed. The first person I saw was Chasidy. She stood up and came to my bed side and hugged me, being careful of my shoulder.
" Hey baby. Oh my gosh, you scared the shit out of me! I don't know what I would have done if you had been killed.."
I felt a tube in my nose and my mouth felt super dry. I smiled a weak smile and looked down at my chest. They had me wrapped up and left me naked in my boxers.
" KT.."
" They said that a bullet hit an artery but she's going to be okay. She's a fighter babe."
I closed my eyes and swallowed hard.
" Here baby. Drink some water.", she said, pushing a cup with a bent straw towards me.
I drank as she played in my messy hair.
" They didn't tell me much when I got here. They just said that they were told by people who saw, that somebody rode up and just started shooting at y'all.."
" Yeah.. I didn't see them. I just saw their car pull off."
" Damn.. Who would want to shoot at y'all? What did KT get you into now?"
" KT hasn't told me about no beef so I don't know. I don't know if they were aiming for her and hit both of us or what but I just remember walking out to the car and I heard gunshots. I ducked and called for KT to open the door. She never answered, so I guess the first shot missed me and hit her. There was a whole bunch of screaming so I didn't hear her fall. Then next thing I know I was hit."
" This shit is crazy.. They said the bullet missed your heart by like 2 inches.. I almost lost you today..", she started to cry and got in the bed beside me.
I put my good arm around her.
" Well I'm still here babe.. They can't take me out that easy."

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