Seperated Frefs

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Hello this is my first story so please don't judge me ;-; . Anyways, I'm just getting used to WattPad and it's pretty amazeballs. If you wanna check out my frefs profiles, go to the next chapter. And yes. They are Undertale Trash!!!

Why are we always separated in art class???

Maybe we do go a little psycho once in a while, but dang Mr. "Teacher". I'll spare him and not use his name.

I could hear a voice behind me.

"Turn around"

Hmm? They couldn't be talking to me...


Oh they had better not be talking about me!!! I turned around anyways and my fref and Ty were laughing. Ty had purple stuff on her fingers and it was edible apparently because she was eating it.

"Want some Arin?", asked Ross.

"Uhh, sure!" I said. She held out the jar to me, and I scooped out some of the purple frosting. It was actually really good, but it was morning time and I knew better than to binge eat that stuff. I had a bad time... Once. But that's another story :D .

To be honest, Max was amazing at choosing frosting for her fellow frefs. My only concern was how bright that color is. If we would've gotten caught by Mr. Teacher, we couldn't easily hide the evidence. That stuff was thick too.

Anyways, we found a good way to have a good time without Mr.Teacher ruining stuff. Yay!

Now, some of you may be wondering. Why da heck is this whole thang 'bout some stupid purple frosting???  Well, that's simple.

1. To practice writing.

2. In the future I might another story called "Purple Frosting" with some meaning or no meaning at all. I might. I promise nothing.

3. Because I write my own stories and I'm the dictator of my own profile so I can write whatever I want.

4. That was some good frosting.

Hope you enjoyed :D

Purple FrostingWhere stories live. Discover now