Rant 12

18 3 1

Okay does anyone else get pissed off at that teacher who isnt even your real teacher just some assistant shit that always has to butt in ? Cuz i fucking hate her so much . Yea she may of got the nurse to help me breathe but your still a bitch . When ever someone has a conversation she always is like what are you talking about ? And she always has to fucking know everything ! No just fuck off already . In english my friend and i where having banta and she comes over and tells us off . Sorry fuck not my fault that you dont know what fun is .  Bitch .
My friend was messing about with the ruler and she came over and took it off of him . Now i was beyond pissed . So i said to her "why did you take that off of him ? Its not even yours and you havent even paid for it so you have no right to take it off him . So you might aswell give it back to him . "
And it wasnt about what i said its about the fucking sassiest tone i ever used . I will tell you one thing . Im already really sassy without being a bitch . But when im a bitch ohh  it comes to whole n'other level .  She gave me that glare that ment you fucking what m8? But i just flipped my hair and went off 😂😂

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