Chapter Eight | Jealous

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Chapter Eight.

| J E A L O U S |

Currently, in the situation I was occupied in this very moment, would come a time when I would blank out due to my thoughts. Someone once told me that we will not work with people we like all the time, but it is what it is.

Yes, those were Quell's exact words.

Over the past few days, Quell and I have gotten close, but not close enough to start providing intel on our personal lives. I didn't even know his first name, let alone his exact age.

Did I ever tell you how horrible I was at making friends? No, well, now you know.

It wasn't that I didn't try, but I was just horrible at making any type of friend. When I believe that a person will stick around because of their stubbornness to not let go of me, I try and let them in. But, when I strike a conversation, my dry humor and sarcastic remarks are a major turn off. They would shoot a fake laugh, but that'd be all, and then they'd talk about themselves and have no fucking consideration to what I just said.

So, then I cut those people off.

I can't deal with people who only use me as a friend, so they can talk about their personal problems and have no consideration to what I want to say. And then they wonder why I'm not speaking to them anymore.

Friends are all about listening to one another, not dodging their responses by talking about your life. Not everything is about you, for one must create a perfect balance to maintain any type of healthy relationship. I mean sure, unless you're shit is skin deep and you just want to feed off of someone else's pain and humiliation, then be my guest. I'm not going to be the one to tell which friends you can't or can have.

I'm just warning you because I've been through every type of friend, and they come up with the same result; they end up leaving you.

You may not notice it, but they're becoming more distant after they have found someone better. That's a better use of context. All the friends I've had, they've been long gone and I've always ended up alone; again.

But, I don't know, that's just my life.

And it's fucking screwed up and lonely.

"And then we find out that Harrison Wells isn't really him. It's--" Taylor munched loudly on his apple, but didn't swallow as fast as Cole could as he covered his ears with his hands at lightning speed.

"Don't tell me! I didn't fucking watch last night's episode!" Cole's voice had risen a bit, considering he couldn't hear himself talk due to the pair of hands covering his ears. Cole then glanced my way, asking with his eyes if all was clear.

I huffed and puffed and rolled my eyes in irritation, shaking my head no when really Taylor was done talking about The Flash. Cole visibly shot daggers at Taylor, who sent a smug smile in return.

Taylor continued on talking, but directed his gaze at Cole so it was assumed he was still carrying on about last night's episode. But, he wasn't even talking to Cole anymore. Instead, he was talking to me, "He won't leave, you know."

I raised a quizzical brow, "What are you talking about?"

"Cole, he won't leave you. No matter how hard you're trying to push him away, he's not going to leave. And look, he told me what happened the other day in the parking lot," Taylor turned his body to face me with sincere, apologetic eyes, "and I am so sorry for causing you that much pain and torment as a child. I'm speaking for both Cole and I, because he doesn't remember."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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