Inked {Harry Styles}

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Alexs pov:

"Alex! Come on you take forever!"

My friends, Tia, and Caroline yell from downstairs, more impatient than ever.

"Im coming! Hang on!"

I finish applying my purple eyeshadow and quickly run down the spiral stairs.

"Finally." Tia says, rolling her eyes at me.

"The club is open all night. It's not like we're gonna be late."

Caroline interrupts our conversation by opening the door and motioning us out.

I love Tia, but sometimes she can be a real bitch.

As I step into the drivers seat of the car, I start to get exited.

It's my 21st birthday, and I can finally drink legally.

Tonight's going to be fun.

"Turn it up!" Caroline shouts over the already blasting music.

I giggle and turn the music up all the way, pressing a button to open the moon roof.

As we pull in the parking lot of the club, "x 84", I turn the music off.

I pull the keys out of the ignition, and start to walk into the club with Caroline. Tia had already found somewhere to wonder off too, probably with her new boyfriend of the week.

"I.D. please." A rather large man asks me, holding out his hand.

I show him it, as does Caroline.

The man unchained the rope, and I smile big at Caroline.

"Are you exited?" She asks me, stepping into the club.

Caroline has been to plenty of these types of things. She's 23 along with Tia.

I'm the young one of the group.

The "baby." As they say.

"Yes!" I giggle, showing my one dimple.

She pokes it and smiles.

"Lets get a drink." Caroline shouts over the booming music.

I nod as she grabs my hand and pulls me over to the bar.

I brush a piece of my waved hair out of my face, and slightly smile at the bar tender.

"You gotta do a shot!" Many people around me say, along with "Happy birthday bitch!"

It was insulting at first, but after two shots it didn't bother me.

"You alright?" Caroline giggles, holding a shot glass of her own.

I laugh and set my glass down.

"Let's dance!"

"Thank you!" I slur to the bartender, as he waves us bye.

"Tia!" I laugh and walk over to her.

"Who's this?" I ask, pointing to a curly haired boy.

"I don't know!" She giggles.

I laugh at Tia's response, and start to dance somewhere else with Caroline.

"It's our song!" Caroline says, singing along to 'City Can't Hold Us."

After a while, Tia comes over to us with the curly haired boy.

"Heyy!" I giggle.

The unnamed boy tightens his jaw, and squints his eyes at me, wetting his lips a bit, making his snakebites pop out farther.

His mop of curls laid perfectly on his head, his lips the perfect shade of pink.

"This is Harry!" Tia slurs over the loud music.

He slightly looks down at me, and I wave.

"Hi!" I shout, still dancing with Caroline.

The boy puts his hands in the pockets of his black jeans, and looks away.

"Want another shot?" Caroline pokes me.

"I think weve had enough!" I laugh.

I could feel the warmth of the boy starring a hole into me.

I didn't look, I was to afraid.

"Come on!" Caroline drags me over to the bar, along with Tia and Harry.

"What do you want, Harry?" Tia smiles.

Harry replies, taking his eyes off me for a moment to say, "A beer."

The bartender nodded and poured him one.

His voice was very deep and raspy.

He didn't show much emotion, except when he looked at me. I couldn't explain what the emotion was, almost lust.

Harry snatches the glass from the table and takes a swig of the foamy drink.

"You want anything?" The bartender suggested to me.

"Um, no I'm okay, thanks." I say.

This Harry boy was making me very uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" Caroline asks me, noticing I was distracted.

"I just have a headache." I lied.

"Wanna go home?"

I nod.

I didn't want to go home, I was having allot of fun. I just didn't want to be around Harry.

Harry squinted his eyes at me and walked back out to the dance floor with Tia.

Once I was sure they were out of hearing range, I started telling Caroline what was really wrong.

"He scares me!" I whispered, walking out of "x84" into the cold air.


"Harry!" I cross my arms, trying to gain heat.

"Oh, him. He's trouble. Stay away from him, seriously." She warned.


"He probably just wants to bang you."

I laugh and dial for a taxi.

"He's hot." Caroline says once the car pulls up to us.

I agree.

I step in my vanilla scented house and plop down on my bed, hooking my phone up to the charger.

Damn, now I really DO have a headache.

I've drank before, but never this much.

I turn off the lights and start to rub my head.

Right as I'm about to drift into sleep, my phone buzzes.


The brightness on my phone burns my eyes for a moment, once I get adjusted to the light I open unlock my iPhone and open the text I revived.

Unknown: Hey.

I text back, Who's this ?

No reply.

Getting impatient, I text again, "Who is this, seriously."

Unknown: Tia gave me your number.

My mouth drops open slightly, as I text back: "Harry?"

Unknown: Hi. x

I roll my eyes and send back.

"What do you want."

Unknown: Nothing.

He was obviously lying.

Why would he text me if he didn't want anything from me?

I ignore the text and put my phone down.

After 15 or so buzzes, I pick it up.

"Harry what do you want really?" I send.

Unknown: Meet me in the park, 10AM tomorrow.

"And if I don't?" I reply.

Unknown: You will.

I roll my eyes, and turn my phone off.

He thinks he owns me or something.

I've barley said two words to the guy!

I fall asleep, my mind racing with thoughts.

I finally wake up to a headache that hasn't gotten any worse.

"Ah shit." I mumble, covering my eyes from the sunlight.

I peel myself out of bed and crack my knuckles, starting the shower water.

I let the warm water relax my tense muscles and wash my hair.

After I'm done, I step out and wrap up in a warm towel.

I brush my hair and get dressed for work.

I work at a tea place downtown, I have lots of friends there. I like it. It pays well also.

I hum to myself as I step into my car.

The clock read 10AM.

Im supposed to meet Harry now.


My phone starts blowing up with texts.

Harry: "You coming?"

I ignore it.

I have to work.

Harry: "Alex?"

Feeling bad, I reply, "No Harry."

Harry: "Tia gave me your address, if you don't come here yourself, ill come get you."

I ignore it.

He doesn't know where I work.

"Hey Natalie." I say to my friend as I walk in the empty shop.


"Slow today?" I question, tying my apron around myself tightly.

"As usual." She smiles.

"Sweet, wanna go to the back and watch movies?" I laugh

We put in a movie, and sit down on the red leather couch in the break room.

When we hear the door swing open, I sigh, pause the movie and get up.

"Can I take you order?" I say looking down at my pen and paper.

I don't hear a response, so I look up.


Harry with the biggest smirk on his face.

"Miss me?" His raspy voice rings.

"No not really."

He bites his bottom lip, looking down at me.

"So what do you want?" I ask him, hoping he would leave as soon as possible.

Harry chuckles.

"Nothing, I'm fine." He smirks.

"Okay.." I get out the broom, and start to sweep in front of the counter.

"So, how did you find me?" I ask, setting down the broom.

"I followed you."

My eyebrows squeeze together as I look at Harry in disgust.

But his smirk only gets bigger.

"Harry -"

He swiftly walks over to me, towering above me, as he brushes my lips with his.

Butterflies fill my stomach as he laces his fingers with mine.

I close my eyes and inhale his cologne.

He puts his hands on my hips and warmly exhales on my neck.

"See you tomorrow, Alex."

And with that, he leaves me breathtaken in the empty tea shop.

I lightly touch my lips and lean against the wall.

"What the hell Al!" Natalie yells.

"He did it not me!"

"So? You could of pulled away!"

I cross my arms.

"I didn't want to." I mumble under my breath.

She looked at me like I'm an idiot.

"Alex, he's bad news. Stay away from him. Please."

I huff.

"Please?" She whines.

"Why? What does he do wrong?"

"He's a drug attic, Alex. And an alcoholic. His parents are gone, he has no one. He bangs chicks and leaves them. That's what he wants with you. Trust me, he doesn't like you."

"And how do you know all of this?"
I argue.

"Rumors." She mumbles.

After a pause of silence, I say something.

"Im gonna go, can you fill in for me?"

"Don't go see Harry."

"Im not!" I groan.

"I bet you are."

"He scares me! And plus I don't know where he is."

"You seemed to like him when he was kissing you."

"He didn't kiss me."

"Because he saw me watching you."

I look at Natalie disappointed.

"Im a big girl."

I quickly grab my coat and walk to my car.

As I step into my car and light a cigarette.

Yea, it's bad for me. I know.

I've tried to stop, I just can't.

It's the only thing that relaxes me, really.

I ran away from home when I was seventeen, because my father was abusive to me.

My mother died when I was nine.

My dad changed allot when he passed, he got depressed and started doing crystal meth.

I thought I deserved the abuse my father gave me.

Tears form in my eyes, as I throw the cigarette butt out the window.

I coughed an kept driving.

My place is small, but I don't need anything more.

It's the only place in the world where I feel somewhat safe.

I double lock everything at night, hoping and praying someone doesn't break in.

I'm not really comfortable around guys.

I would rather be snuggled in bed watching a movie than out with my friends.

I try to make it seem like on the outside I'm a normal girl, and the abuse I revived made me stronger.

But it didn't.

It hurt me, killed me on the inside.

I push the thoughts out of my mind and pull into my paved driveway.

As I step out of my car, it started to rain.


My hair frizzed up a bit as I unlock the door and step inside the warm house.

I sigh, taking off my jacket.

My phone buzzes with a text from Harry.

Harry: Are you inside?

"Why do you want to know?" I type.

Harry: "Just want you safe."

"Really." I reply.

Harry: "I want you safe."

I set my phone down and sit on the couch, turning on MTV.

My phone buzzes once again, so I pick it up annoyed.

Harry: "Are you inside Alex?"

"Yes! I'm fine." I text.

I don't get another text, so I plug my phone in and drift to sleep.

I wake up in the morning, roll my eyes at the sunlight and get up out of bed.

I make breakfast and sat down in front of the TV.

"Hey! Party tonight ill be there soon." Tia texts.

"I don't want to go." I reply.

"Be there in 20 minutes!" She texts.

"Damn it." I huff.

I don't want to go to a party.

At least not with Tia.

I quickly get up and change, deciding to listen to Tia.

She's going to force me to go.

I hear a knock on the door as I finish applying the last of my makeup.

"Frat party!" She screams as I open the door.

"We're not in collage." I say.

"Aaand?" She laughs.

I sigh and get in my car, beginning to drive to the house.

After a ling drive, I park in front of the huge house in awe.

I've been to these kinds of things before, but not sense collage.

"Hey!" A few girls knock on Our window asking me to roll it down, witch I do.

"Hey." Tia replies. "You guys know Alex, right?"

"Yea, hey." They say to me, waving.


"Come on the DJs here." Tia says, practically pulling me out of the car.

"How many people are here?"

"I invited 400 or so, but everyone brought a few friends."

We step into the house and I throw my jacket somewhere.

Multiple people hand me red cups, as I take a sip of one of them.

I fake smile at Tia, and we head to the main room.

I really don't want to be here, I could be in bed watching NCIS. Or hanging out with Natalie or Caroline.

I always listen to Tia, I don't know why.

"Hey babe." A wasted man says, slapping my butt.

I roll my eyes and take another sip of my drink.

After Tia takes me around to meet her friends, we head upstairs.

"I need to get some air." I point to a balcony, beginning to feel a bit woozy.

"You okay?" Tia slurs, pretending to be worried.

"Yea, I just - I feel dizzy."

"There's a bathroom over there, did you drink to much?"

"Yea, I - I think so." I hold my head, dizzily walking to a bathroom.

I've been drunk before, obviously, I don't know what's wrong.

I just need to lay down.

I walk into the bathroom and lock the door, sitting on the floor by the toilet.

I squeeze my eyes shut and start to rub my head.

What the hell. What's going on.

I quickly unlock my phone and dial for Natalie.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Nat.. I don't feel good."

"What's wrong? Where are you?"

"A frat party, I think I'm gonna pass out."

"What the hell did you drink Al?"

"I don't know.."

I jump a bit as the door handle jiggles.

"Hang on!" I get up and slash water on my face, making my mascara run.


"Alex are you okay?" Natalie says.

"Y - Yea, I gotta go someone need the bathroom."

"Alex where are you?"

I hang up on her when I hear a pounding on the door.

I quickly stumble to the door and open it, trying to get out.

I run into something hard and step back.


I know that accent by now, it's Harry's.

"Harry, please let me through."


"What?" I snap.

"Are you alright?" His deep voice causes my headache to get worse.

"Harry please let me through I -"

"Alex what did you drink please look at me."

I try to get past him, but his frame blocks my way.

"Harry -" I stumble back and start to fall.

Right as Harry catches me and picks me up bridal style, I black out.

Harry's pov:

I catch Alex and pick her up gently, making sure her head doesn't drop.

"Alex?" I try to wake her.

I walk out of the bathroom and carry her down the hall, getting stares and weird looks from different people.

I finally reach a room with the door unlocked, and with no hormonal teenagers in the bed.

I kick the door open and set Alex on the bed lightly.

She is very pale, I'm starting to get worried.

"Alex?" I brush her arm.

No answer.

I notice a small sink, so I walk over to it, poor my alcohal out of my cup, refilling it with water. I lock the door and sit down on the bed next to Alex, setting the water cup down next to her.

Someone must of put something in her drink.

I wait for Alex to wake up, staring at her fragile body.

I hope I didn't scare her.

I bite my snakebite in between my teeth and wait.

I sigh, and tap her.

"He's probably in there banging her, leave them alone." I hear someone laugh from outside the door.

My jaw tightens, and I walk over to where the noise came from.

I wait for the girls to say something, and as they do, I fly the door open.

I eye the girls who are now scared shitless.

"Problem?" I grit.

They shake their head quickly turn on their heels and walk away.

I tighten my fists and walk back into the room, slamming the door.

Alex's pov:

I wake up to sunlight peering in through closed curtains.

I squeeze my eyes shut to the worst hangover I've ever had.

I force myself to sit up as I stretch my feet about to step down off of the bed, when my foot pokes something hard.


"Harry?" I rub my eyes.

He doesn't say anything, but gets up off the floor and goes to the bathroom.

I get up out of bed, looking in the mirror.


I lightly touch the purple and black circles underneath my eyes, and the redness around my nose.

"The hell?" I whisper, not remembering last night at all.

"You passed out."
A deep, raspy voice says from behind me.

"Why?" I studder.

"By the toilet. Someone put something in your drink."

Harry had a thick English accent, I wonder why he is in the US.

"Oh." I whisper, Turning around, not looking at Harry.

I feel him get closer to me.

I look up at him, his curls messily swiped back, his tattoos on his neck redder than usual.

He brushes his hand with mine, bites his lip, looking down at me.

I get nervous and pull away.

"Do you need a ride?" He looks down.

"Um, yeah. Ill call my friend it's fine -"

"I'll take you." He interrupts.

"Harry it's fine I'll -"

"I'll take you."

He touches his forehead with mine.

I turn my head and pull away from his grasp on my arm.

"Do I scare you?" He smirks.

"No." I try to sound brave, but my voice cracks.

He smirks again.

"Let's go." He walks out of the room.

"Okay." I say shyly to myself.

I really don't want to fight with Harry.

"Alex." His voice booms from downstairs.

"Im coming!" I yell back, trying to find Tia in the hoards of people sleeping in the upstairs hallways.

"Tia?" I shout down the hallways.

No answer.

I huff, and open random doors trying to find her.

Finally, I find her in a bedroom, straddling a muscular, brunette guy.

"Tia. Lets go." I sigh, looking away.

"Really? Can't you just pick me up later!?"

"You've had enough sex lets go." I say harshly.

She rolls her eyes, and gets up off of the boy.

"Alex!" Harry booms, just as loud as the first time.

"Hold on!" I snap.

"Tia, please Harry's gonna yell at me please."

Tia quickly puts on her dress and I follow her out the bedroom door.

"Another party tonight babe."
The boy slurs.

"I'll be there!" Tia giggles.

"I won't." I mumble.

"Damn why you gotta be a bitch."

My mouth drops open.

"Why am I friends with you?"

"Because you wanna be me. You fuck your way to the top don't you slut?"

My mouth drops again, farther than the first time.

"I'm only taking you home with me because you're drunk and I don't want to be alone with Harry!" I whisper.

"Coming?" Harry says, interrupting our cat fight, leaning on the front door frame.

I sigh and walk outside, with Tia following.

Harry leads us to a black range rover.

"This is your car?" I smile.

"Yea." His face straight, clearly not impressed with it.

He opens the front door for me and the back one for Tia.

I step into the black leather interior and sit down on the hot seat.

Tia stumbles in and smiles at Harry.

I can't imagine how many times they have slept together.

"Abby Road.. Apartment 7." I whisper.

Harry starts driving and turns on the radio as Tia and him bob their heads to whatever metal is playing.

"Left." I say quietly, trying to to shout over the music.

Harry bites his lip an turns.

I sink down into my seat a bit as We pull in Tias drive way.

"Bye." I wave to her.

Harry doesn't look at her as she waved to him.

"Ok um right." I direct Harry.

Once we pull into my driveway, harry traces over and opens the door for me.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow." He looks over to me, licking his lips.

"What? Why?"


He starts to back up as I get out of the car.

"Harry!" I shout.

He waves.

"Damn it." I huff, stamping my feet.

The next morning, I get a text from Harry, saying he's going to take me to his house.


Alone with Harry.

Inked {Harry Styles}Where stories live. Discover now