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"But um, Harry, I want to -"

"No Alex. I can take are of myself." He snaps.

I decide its best not to argue, I don't want him yelling.

"Al?" He whispers.

I look up at him.

"I'm here okay?"

I start to cry, and fall into Harry's arms, fisting his tee shirt between my fingers.

"Harry?" I sniff.

"Yes love.." He kisses my head.

"Where are your parents?"

"Heaven, darling."


"Car crash.. My dad was drunk." He rubs his eyes.

I bite my lower lip, forcing myself not to question him any further.

"Are you hungry?" He changes the subject.

I look at the popcorn on the table in the other room, and the movie still going.

"Um yes.."

"Alright, Taco Bell?" He laughs.

"I only like the cinnamon twists there.. But okay." I smile.

Harry grabs his keys and I start to follow him.

"I'll get it, you say here ill call my friend to come watch you, yeah?"

"What? No.. Harry, I'm 21 I can come with you or at least stay here alone."

"No." He whips around looking over me.

I get weak at his presence, but stand my ground.

"Stay." He whispers.

"No, Harry I want to come why not?"

"I don't want you getting hurt darling." He chuckles, brushing my hair behind my ear.

I start to melt at the sound of his voice.

"Can I trust you to stay here alone?"

I nod.

"I'll be back, stay here, please."

I nod again.

After a kiss, Harry leaves me alone in his house.

I collect myself in the bathroom and try to fix my wet mascara under my eyes and whip my tear stained cheeks with a tissue.

Time passes as I walk out of the bathroom and begin to explore Harry's house.

It's very nice, wooden floors, matching yellow furniture.

I walk into Harrys room is. I can tell its his by the aroma of cologne and boxers on the bed.

I look at pictures lined up on the dresser.

Harry as a child, his mom and dad, his sister, the usual.

But I come across a box of hospital bands.

Harry E. Styles, Room 618

Harry E. Styles, Room 917

Harry E. Styles, Room 821

Harry E. Styles, Room 807

Harry E Styles, Room 339

I count 71 hospital bands.


"What happened.." I whisper to myself.

A strong pair of hands wrap around my waist and a head leans on my shoulder.

I thought it was weird it took Harry 3 hours to go across the street to Taco Bell, but I didn't say anything.

"Anorexia, and self harm." Harry's voice vibrates.


"I went to the hospital, for anorexia and self harm."

I breathe heavy.

"I uh, took myself in because, I thought I was dying.." He whispers.

I bite my lip.

"I know you cut, and I try to help everyone who has problems, even though I have ones of my own that need to be solved. When I saw you, I thought to myself. Nothing this beautiful should have to deal with this.. I want to help you, if you'll let me, I will.."

I smile, turn around and kiss Harrys lips.

"Thank you." I whisper.

He smiles.

"You hungry?" Harry asks.

I nod.

"Let's eat.."

We walk downstairs and I notice Harrys shirt that is now ripped up a bit, and a scratch on his face.

"Harry what happened?" I point at his new scar and destroyed shirt.

"I fell."

He leaves it at that.

We finish eating, and Harry takes me home.

"Promise me you'll stay in side tonight?" He kisses me, as I get out if his car.

"Why?" I whine.

"Alex. Stay." He eyes me.

I sigh and kiss Harry goodbye, walking up my driveway to the door.

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