Caught in the Storm

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It was a warm summer day in Gravity Falls, too warm for comfort, honestly, and not to mention unbearably muggy. Beads of sweat dripped down Dipper's nose, even though all he was doing was walking. Hiking, with Bill, technically. They decided to take a little hike before the rain started, which was supposed to come around 7-ish. Dipper checked his phone. It was 5:30, so they still had time. He looked over at his boyfriend, who hadn't even broken a sweat. His golden hair was as bouncy and soft as ever and seemed to dance with each step, unladen with sweat, unlike his own chestnut mop.
Suddenly, a welcomed cool breeze ran through the trees. It was the first real breeze all day, and was nice at first, but then it picked up speed at an alarming rate. He looked through the canopy formed by the massive pine trees to see swirling black clouds overhead. "Is the storm here already?!" he shouted over the wind. Bill shrugged and yelled back, "Guess so! Hey, we're closer to my place than the car, let's get there before the rain starts!" He grabbed Dipper's hand and began running off into the woods. The teen couldn't really focus on a destination, as he was preoccupied with avoiding getting slapped in the face by tree branches as they sped through the overgrown woods.
Soon enough, they arrived at a large cave, perhaps twice Dipper's height at the entrance, covered with a blanket of ivy. Just before they made it inside, a heavy downpour hit them like a wall, momentarily soaking the teen but barely touching Bill. As they walked in, the pitter-patter of rain was still audible from outside. "This storm is supposed to go all night, isn't it?" Dipper said, remembering the report he checked before leaving the shack, more to himself than anyone else. A sudden huge clap of thunder roared from outside, making him jump out of his skin. Yeah, there was no way he was walking all the way back to the car in this. "I'd better tell Mabel I'm crashing here for the night, if that's cool with you." Bill smirked. "A night at my place, ay~" he said seductively, wrapping his arms around Dipper's waist and resting his head on the teen's shoulder. Dipper's cheeks flushed. "N-no! Nothing like that! I just don't want to get lost on the way back to the car or something!" he argued as though that thought hadn't even crossed his mind, practically leaping from the demon's grip in the process. Bill giggled, clearly pleased with himself and his successful attempt at making his Pine Tree embarrassed.
Dipper continued to text his twin:

(Dipper: this font, Mabel: this font)
Got caught in the storm, gonna stay the night at Bill's place
Ok brosef, tell Bill not to be too rough~
Hahaha, suuure ;3
Sorry that was Gruncle Ford! Take your time ;)
He annoy-idly shut off his phone and shoved it in his pocket. Ye of little faith, he thought to himself, I just need a place to stay for the night! Nothing's gonna happen!
Bill gave him a little tour of his cave. They walked into a giant central chamber. It was decorated erratically, with couches overturned, furniture bolted to the walls, and deer teeth hanging from the high ceiling above them. It was, nice? Ok yeah it was just weird. There were a few other rooms that Dipper never would've guessed the purpose for as well, had he not been told. Other than that, it wasn't unlivable; it was almost homey, even. "Uh, I'll show you where we sleep later," said Bill, almost nervously, as they were in front of the last room. Dipper shrugged it off as nothing out of the ordinary. They sat on a couch they flipped right-side-up and chatted for a good amount of time before Dipper realized it was getting late. "So where are we sleeping tonight?" he asked. Bill perked up. "Oh, I'll show you!" he said with an almost excited tone.
     "Well, here's the bedroom," he announced, then added nonchalantly, "This is where we'll be sleeping. Sorry, there's only one bed, so we'll have to share." As Bill opened the door, he replied, "Oh, that's fine, I don't mi-" but he was cut off by the scene before him. His jaw dropped to the floor.
Bill's bedroom was lit in low light. Candle light, actually. That should've been an indicator of what was to come, but this was just something he plain wasn't expecting or prepared for. A large bed with red sheets was neatly made, and it was decorated with a heart of salmon-colored rose petals. A small table was at the foot of the bed, with a silken white cover draped over it. Atop that was two champagne glasses half-full of bubbly liquid, a few candles, and more rose petals.

(AN: here's a pic I drew before I wrote this, my inspiration for this first one-shot :P ^ before you ask, no, I do not have a life

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(AN: here's a pic I drew before I wrote this, my inspiration for this first one-shot :P ^ before you ask, no, I do not have a life.)

Dipper's cheeks flushed red. Bill looked at the teen with a smug, sassy smirk, eyes narrowed seductively. "Problem?" he asked, as if nothing was wrong, tone not matching his expression. All words were caught in Dipper's throat, and he simply couldn't respond with more than an embarrassed-horrified stare.
Bill chuckled. "What, you don't like my interior decorating?" he asked sarcastically. "Uh, that's not the issue here!" Dipper retaliated in a you-know-very-well-what-you-did kind of tone. Just then, he realized something. Bill had been the one leading him the entire time on the hike, leading him down paths he had never taken before. Dipper just rolled with it because he didn't particularly care where they went on their walk, as long as they were together and having a good time. Bill was even the one that suggested taking the hike in the first place. Not to mention it was rather convenient that they were so close to Bill's place when the storm struck... "Wait a second, you knew the storm would come early and we would be trapped out here, didn't you?" he said, almost laughing at himself for how manipulative Bill was and how much he, himself, completely fell for it. Bill's mischievous smile widened. "Sharp as ever, Pine Tree," he said, walking over towards the table and picking up a champagne glass.
    "I heard humans really like this stuff for whatever reason, so I got some for us," he said, taking a sip. His face twisted in disgust, but he brushed it off quickly and simply placed the glass back on the table. "Well, that wasn't the important part," he said, walking back over to the teen and getting a bit too close. Before Dipper could speak in protest, the demon placed a finger on the teen's lips, effectively silencing him. Oh god, Ford is gonna kill me, he thought to himself as the demon pulled him into a kiss. Bill pulled away for a moment and said with a smirk, "What old Fordsy doesn't know won't hurt him." Dipper couldn't help but smile, and couldn't keep down a small chuckle. He rolled his eyes and pressed his lips against his lover's. Bill put his arms around Dipper's neck and playfully curled the teen's hair in his fingers. Dipper wrapped his arms around the small of the demon's back and pulled him closer.
      After a minute or two of making out, Dipper pulled away for a moment and whispered in Bill's ear, "But really though, I'm exhausted as hell from the hike. Can we just go to bed?" Bill pouted. "Aw, come on, Pine Tree! We were just getting started!" Dipper chuckled from embarrassment. "You can have fun with the champagne, I'm gonna go sleep," he announced, going over to the bed. He carefully picked off the rose petals so he could lay down. Bill crossed his arms and continued pouting like a child who didn't get to play with his favorite toy.
      (Bill's POV) "Man, you're no fun," Bill protested, going over to the bed to lay down as well. Pine Tree was facing the wall when he laid down, so he did the same and faced the opposite wall. It seemed like the poor kid was already asleep, until Bill felt movement coming from the other side of the bed, then him cuddling from behind, almost wrapping his whole body around the demon snugly. Then, Pine Tree kissed Bill's exposed neck, seeing how it was the only available piece of skin within reach. The demon pretended to be stubborn and hunched his back a little at the gesture, but he was screaming with delight on the inside. He loved every opportunity for Pine Tree to hug or kiss him that he got. A secret genuine smile crept across his face as he faded into sleep.

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