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I am an antimagnet

You know when you were young, and your science teacher told you the opposites attract

Well I'm one of those antimagnets, but one who never gets close to a ball in gym class

Or that one kid who gets called smart and that is all

The one people go near, but anyone not involved with the stuff I am shouts at me for the things I have done

And then I feel like crying for the things I said

It's not anything mean but with people constantly looking down on me

I feel.....I an antimagnet

The one you'll only go around if you need help

I am an antimagnet

And I'm proud

I'm the one where they make no sense, and say logical things without thinking

I am the one that classifies as weird, and I'm proud

So what if I'm not a stereotypical white chick

Now let me tell you some things about me

I am a poet that likes anime and uses different pronouns who can be quite the feminist. I've thought about suicide and cutting. I cry a lot. I love school. I platonically love all of my friends. I have no self confidence and I wish I weighed 90 pounds. I don't drink Starbucks and I am very introverted. Mainly all I listen too is rock music.

Now please people who accept being antimagnets, let's unite

and show the world who the hell is in charge

My Unstable PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now