Move On

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You could move on.
You would feel sorry for him.
You would thought he was the most amazing guy you ever met.
If you could have any other guy,
you still would pick him.
That's how special he might mean to you then.

But later on ,
he would no longer be the same person you knew.
your perspective on him would just change too as time goes.
He would just become a part of your past,
a memory more faded every single day.

You thought he was the one.
But you would realize,
you thought so wrong after all.
The happiness he caused you right from the start,
would be like a burning paper that is turning into ashes.

It may took you long to grasp what was real.
It's because you kept your faith in him.
You thought it would be hard to let go of the tie.
The tie on which you didn't realize you were the only one holding on.
That was why you got to hold tight.
Isn't it unfair?

But someday,
you'll find the one that deserves you.
Someone who will make you the happiest woman in the world,
more than what he did.
Someone who will bestow you with GENUINE happiness.
Someone who is beyond compare to him.

Just wait for that right time to come.

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Let's be friends. 😉

Also read ➡ "Sino Nga Ba Si Mr. Right?" ❤

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