jenna mcdougall

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this isn't a hate chapter because jenna is 10/10. but it's more of a rant on how her "dreads" were appropriation. this is gonna get serious so beware

now tell me this: are her dreads ACTUALLY appropriation?
now before you automatically say yes, think. it actually isn't. i'll tell you one thing that we all need to realize: now back when she actually had dreads they weren't considered appropriation until after the fact "appropriation" came into being "important." so, let's get more into this. whether she's black, jamaican, white or nothing; the thing we all 100% know is that if you asked a normal person they wouldn't care. only the tumblr, internet obsessed hoes who think they're all that. personally, i've never asked. but from what i've seen is that someone at school wore a cornrow once and nobody, i mean no-bod-y got offended. i go to a public school and people are very opinionated, also some people at private schools don't get shit for wearing it. jenna isn't offending you personally, and if she is you're most likely obsessed with tumblr and "hate yourself" and think that anyone who's not the "original" owner can't wear those.
now to be even more technical, we wear clothes from all over the world so are we not gonna be able to wear clothes because they're "appropriation" now? yes, i get you're gonna be like "oh it's not like that!!1!!1!" like lmao bullshit it's the same thing. they all originated from someone different who's wearing them at the time and so everyone thinks it's "offensive" because they're not that nationality. but really it doesn't even matter, everyone just gets butthurt and thinks they're the shit too and also likes halsey.

now that im done ranting let's get one thing straight, people who aren't the nationality that their hairstyle is based off of isn't offensive. ask someone of that nationality, because trust me i bet they'll say no.

thank and fucking think before you accuse ((:

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