The Death

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P.S. The girl above is you. Bya!
Third person
Everyone that knew Y|N even Sky, Aphmau, and Olivia were at her funeral. When all of a sudden they hear a scream come across the whole town. It's coming from the hospital. Aaron and Rachel ran there scared it was the squids!

Y|N POV ( before the scream)
I woke up in a hospital bed. A doctor came in to take me to my grave. "Your al-ali-alive" she said in confusion and joy. "Huh" you ask not knowing what she said from all the stuttering. "You were dead just a minute ago" she explained. You screamed at the top of your lungs!

Aaron's POV
When we got to the hospital a man grabbed me and Rachel's hand. He took us to Y|Ns' room. She was alive sitting on the bed! I hugged her "OW!" she yelled. "She gets major pain when her cheat gets hit" the nurse told me. I started crying with Rachel.
Sorry guys I wanted to end it there. Bya!

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