Chapter 1

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Disclaimer - Ok, get ready folks, this is gonna be a long list. Ahem. I do not own nor did I come up with in any way Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Chiron, Camp Halfblood, any greek monsters, any wizardry monsters, any monsters in general, Harry Potter, any Harry Potter characters, the greek gods, The Forbidden Forest, unicorns, Hogwarts, or ... uh... I think thats it. JK Rowling came up with Harry Potter and Rick Riordan came up with Percy Jackson. If I forgot anything please let me know I dont feel like getting sued. ;D Well I hope you like my story. I'll highly appreciate any comments and such. Goodbyyyeeeeee. <3


The beginning might be kind of boring, but PLEASE DONT QUIT ON ME GUYS. We have to have some filler chapters to get to the good stuff haha. K goodbye for real. :)

~Chapter One~

I heard nothing except the rhythmic sound of my frantic heart beating inside my chest, and the occasional misplaced foot rustling a pile of leaves, or snapping a twig. A familiar fear coarsed through me. I looked over to my left to see if Alana and Gabe were still with me, and - thank the gods - I was rewarded with the sight of Gabes dark silouette barely seen against the night sky. Alana had the flashlight, but other than that we had nothing else. Twigs and branches whipped at my face and opened gashes and cuts, but I hardly noticed. Nothing mattered except doing the one thing we needed to survive - run. My sweat drenched hair clung to my forehead. I could barely see the dim, flickering beam of light coming from Alana's flashlight, and occasionally I would run into a tree, only to fall and get back up again, away from the warm ground and the welcoming thought of sleep.

I risked a glance behind me. Nothing. The only sound was of our panting and gasping for air as we ran through the forest. I abruptly stopped and Alana and Gabe stopped too, sending questioning glances back in my direction. This had to be enough. We had to have lost them. Hydras couldn't run that fast, anyways.

"Guys I think we're good. They couldn't possibly still be following us," I muttered through my ragged breathing. That was all they needed to hear before our bodies took power over our adrenaline rushed brains and forced us into the peaceful slumber of sleep.

I awoke to the familiar screaming of Alana, a sound I found myself expecting every night. I forced my eyes open, ready to once again wake her from her nightmares and begin the routine of calming her and easing her back to sleep. I shook her bony shoulder. The younger girl shot up into a sitting position and leaned against a tree, gasping. Her red hair was wild, and her green eyes were wide and bright with fear. "Shhh..." I muttered softly, like how you would speak to a scared, wounded animal. "It's ok. It's only a dream, Alana. Remember me? Bethany? And see that boy over there? Remember Gabe? It's ok. We're here. It's only a dream. You're not alone. You're safe. It's only a dream..." But that was a lie.

She wasn't safe.

It wasn't just a dream.

The reality was that we were in fact three kids, lost in a forest, with our lives on the lines every freaking day. No wonder she had nightmares.

Nevertheless, I continued to murmur soothing words to her until her eyes drooped and she drifted off again. I sighed and leaned against the trunk of a tree. I watched her small form curl up in a ball, and gently move up and down with the pace of her breathing. It was still pitch dark. Crickets chirped in the distance. But one thing about me is once im awake, im awake, and there's nothing I can do about it.

"How do you do it?" A voice blurted out, scaring me out of my skin. I jerked upwards and instinctively grabbed a large stick lying nearby. My battle reflexes kicked in and my body was rushed with adrenaline. Breathing heavily, I scanned the area, only to find Gabe's piercing blue eyes locked on mine. His windswept dark brown hair halfway covered his eyes. My heart rate slowed, I had thought he was still sleeping. He could usually sleep through Alana's nightmare sessions. Well that was one uncalled for heart attack for the night. Just 4 more to go.

"Well?" He asked, bringing me back to reality. "How? Every night you wake up to calm Alana down and coax her back into sleep. With no complaints." I stared at him blankly. What was he getting at?

"I mean, no one could possibly be that good hearted. What I guess im saying is, I just don't know how you do it." ... Was he... trying to compliment me? Why? What was up with him? I don't know why, but the uncalled for compliment set me off. It wasn't normal of him, and I guess I was weirded out with how he was talking to me.

Embarrassed and kind of flustered, I snapped back without thinking.

"Well who else is gonna help her? It's not like I want to. Maybe every once and awhile you can get your lazy butt up at 3 in the morning and do it yourself instead of just acting like nothing is happening. I'm not some kind of angel, Gabe! I comfort her because-" I broke off and bit my lip. Why was I so emotional? So mean? So rude to him? Sarcasm flooded my words with venom.

"... yeah." I finished lamely.Before I could think any more about what I had just said I lied down, despite the fact I wasn't tired, but just to escape an unwanted conversation. I faced away from Gabe and breathed deeply through my nose, trying to calm myself down. What was wrong with me? As soon as I closed my eyes I immediately felt guilty for what I had said. All he did was say something nice. And I had fired back. All the torture of my pathetic life was making me into a monster.

I had snapped at both him and Alana more times than I could count over the past week. I gritted my teeth. Besides, I really didnt mind taking care of Alana- she was like my little girl. (My little girl only 6 years younger than me.) I sighed inwardly, I would have to apologize. Gods, this was so cheesy. Apologizing? Ha. No. At least not right now. It could wait, Gabe thought I was sleeping right now anyways.

"I know you're not sleeping, Bethany."

Dang it.

I sighed, he knew me too well. I sat up hesitantly and leaned against a tree.

"Sorry I snapped at you..." I muttered, staring at the ground. Ugh, this was hard. It was too formal. This wasn't how I usually acted with Gabe. Something was awkward between us, and I don't know what had caused it. My eyes flitted up to him, expecting to see a hurt expression, but the jerk was grinning! Grinning! The nerve of him! He knew how hard this was for me. My cheeks turned red and I got angry at him again. My temper flared up dangerously.

"And?" He inquired. Boy, was he having fun with this.

"And I don't mind taking care of Alana." I began, getting rallied up. "And to answer your question, Gabe, I do it because I know what it's like to not have a mother." I spit the words out without any kind of filter.

"Or anyone to take care of you, actually. Someone to love you and hold you and make you feel safe and like somebody's protecting you," I spilled out, quite unwillingly. But all the days' journeys of running away and surviving caught up with me, once again, and tears started pouring down my face. This was humiliating. I never cried. Ever. All my feelings that I've ever had and wanted and hidden because I was supposed to be the strong one poured out through my tears in an uncontrollable waterfall. This was too hard. I couldn't be like this for the rest of my life. I tried very hard to stop the flow of tears but they only came out faster, until I just gave up and let them roll down my cheeks one at a time while I tried to suppress my pathetic sobs. It wasn't fair. Running. Starving. Dehydrating. Hiding. Fleeing. Trying to survive in a hopeless world of monsters. If this was what life was like, what was the point?

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