Chapter 2- As Strong as Steel

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*bulgogi- a Korean beef dish.



----a week has passed since Sehun got his potato----

[A/N: You've probably guessed that after a week the potato is sort of not as fresh as it was before.]

"Yo! Yeah! Aha aha!

So yeah, I was walkin on da street got ma potato wiz me, stopped at a hat shop and look at da hats, saw one an thought 'I want one a these!'

Ya see, I walked in an I said to the dude- 'yo, got ma size in these?'

He said 'no lil man why're you here ya dummy? You're supposed to walkin with ya daddy an mummy!'

Boom boom chit, boom boom chit!"

Little Sehun was dancing with potato in one hand and a plastic microphone in the other, doing a rap sequence.

How he managed to do this when he was only five is a mystery.

Little Sehun was rapping more awesomely that an average five year old could.

"I'm in da kitchen. Not anymore!

I went out when ma potato dropped on da floor! I picked ma potato up and went out da door! Yo, mama! Yeah!"

Okay, you get the idea.

"Sehuuuunnn!!!!! Lunch time!!!!!" The voice of Sehun's mother travelled through the house to Sehun's ears.

Sehun immediately stopped in the middle of his rap performance and yelled, "I'm coming ummmmaaa!!!"

Sehun had so many names for his mum. He would call her mum (in English) , mummy (in English), umma, mama, ma....etc.

"What's for lunch mummy?" He said, plopping himself on a chair at the kitchen table. "Here, potato." He pulled out another chair next to him and carefully put potato on it, then patted potato's head.

Well, he patted what looked like potato's head. Potatoes don't actually have actual heads. Duh.

"Rice, vegetables and some beef. Here Sehun, eat up, or you won't grow taller." His mother said, placing his dishes on the table in front of him.

"Thank you mummy!!!" Sehun said grinning at her.

His mother smiled and started to walk away.

"Aren't you going to eat, umma?" Sehun asked.

"No, I already ate. I didn't call you before because I didn't want to disturb your rap session" she said.

Sehun went red, and his mother laughed.

"I'll be in the garden if you need me okay?" His mum said.

"Okay mum!"

Sehun began to eat his food after saying his prayers.

Nom nom nom~

"Ah, Sehun!" His mum popped her head around the door.

"Yes, mummy?"

"There are three papayas on the kitchen bench. If you want to eat one after lunch, call me okay?"

"Okay umma!"

He continued eating.

"Hey potato, I bet you're bored sitting there. I mean, you can't even see the top of the table. Here, let me help you." Sehun lifted potato and placed him on the table.

He began talking to potato, proudly pointing out all the dishes his mum cooked.

"So, this is the kimchi, bulgogi, boiled broccoli and carrot....."

That Conceited Prince- Sidestory Collection (ft TCP characters, Exo m, Exo K, Exo)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن