Part 5: Vagabonds

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*Dani's POV*

Lauren's muffled sobs echoed through the bedroom door and aloud my heart to shatter and the rage I felt toward my older sister bubble inside me. Kath continuously banged on the wooden doorframe with her fists and called for Lauren to open the door in a desperate voice, Lisa by her side. Christina had run off to God knows where, like I care, and Amy had decided to get out of the house and stay out of the drama. I on the other hand, was sitting in the hallway next to me, Lisa, and Laur's bedroom door with my knees pulled to my chest and my head in my hands, knowing fully well that Lauren had no intention of opening the door anytime soon. I know Lauren, and she hates letting people see her cry, it makes her feel weak.

Finally, Lisa convinced Kath that banging on the door was doing no good and the two of them slid down the wall and sat beside me. Lauren was crying a lot quieter now, muffled most likely by a pillow. An blanket of awkward silence fell over the 3 of us, I could tell the gears were turning in all three of our heads. Suddenly Kathrine, who most likely was the most confused considering Lise already knew about me and Lauren, broke the silence.

"So, Lisa already knew about you and Lauren..."
"Dating?" I finished the sentence for her, she nodded.

"Yeah..." Lisa answered, staring down at the ground and biting her lip.

The awkward silence returned as Kath struggled to process the information we were telling her. I decided to just skip the questions and cut to the chase, no more lying. I mean, things couldn't really get much worse now could they?

"Me and Lauren started officially dating 2 days ago, Lisa knew because she walked in on us...kissing. We've had feelings for one another for months now and we figured that even if it's wrong, it feels right. We love each other, as more than sisters. We were sure that y'all would except us, we thought you'd want us to be happy like Lisa. I guess we were wrong." Tears burned in my eyes.

Kath rested her arm on my back and spoke to me softly. "I'm not mad at you and Lauren, none of us are. You're right, even if I don't agree with it, I want you two to be happy. If that means committing a few sins, so be it."

A smile crept on my face, thinking about how wonderful my sisters are. That was until I remembered Christina, and how mad she was at us. She put her hands on Lauren...the rage bubbled in my throat. Kath must have read my mind because after sharing a quick glance with Lisa she cleared her throat and spoke up.

"Dani, what Christina did was wrong, and based on how pissed me and Lisa are at her you must be livid. But if it makes you feel any better, I know she didn't mean it. I guarantee she's sulking in her room about it right now, she just has a bad temper.

I scoffed, " Bad temper? That's no excuse for hitting your little sister."

*Christina's POV*

Where did we go wrong? When did I teach my little sisters it was okay to sin!? I try so hard to set a good example, all for nothing! And what if the CimFam found out that my 2 little sisters are gay, incestuous sinners!? Our career would be over, and just before our album's release, how selfish can you get!? I admit, maybe I shouldn't have hit Lauren, but if a good slap to the face doesn't knock some sense into those brats, nothing will. And the fact that the rest of my sisters are all on their side!? I feel like I'm going to be sick, since when did I fail my only job, to be the good older sister? I pray to God that to allow both of them forgiveness and to acknowledge their mistakes.

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