Rubber Bands

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This is probably going to be the last chapter for a while, so enjoy this chapter! :)

If you look closely, you might notice that one some brackets there are little pieces sticking up. Believe it or not, those pieces actually have a purpose. Your orthodontist might decide that they need to fix your bite, and that's where the rubber bands come in. The rubber bands hoot onto those pieces that stick up, and it helps the way you bite and your jaw. Mine, for example, are on the first hook on the top and the last hook on the bottom. Since there are hooks on almost every bracket, I'm assuming that each person gets different hooks based and how different their teeth problems are.

So you'll have a choice- do you want clear rubber bands or colored? My orthodontist had only neon colors, and I wanted the clear. Choices may vary based on the place you go to. 

Once they tell you that you need to have rubber bands, they will show you how to put them on. They do this because you will have to do it yourself many times. You have to change them three times a day, and you have to remove them whenever you eat or brush your teeth. At first it takes a little practice to figure out how to put the rubber bands in and out, but after a while it becomes really easy. I got mine yesterday afternoon and now its the next day at night, and I can put them on without even looking. When I eat I take my rubber bands and put them somewhere in front of me, where I'll remember to put them back on. Of coarse you have to have them in 24/7, except for the exceptions that I just stated. 

The pain at first is pretty bad, and so far it's been hurting since I got them. The pain is definitely worth having a beautiful smile though. I think the pain comes from when you open your jaw and the rubber bands stretch, and also because the rubber bands are steadily changing you jaw. 

I've been drinking with the rubber bands on, so I don't think drinking is an issue. With food you definitely need to take them off though.

So this was supposed to be the last chapter until my braces change, but I'm going to do some more things. The next chapter is going to be about some of the pain from braces, but the chapter after that will be answers to my readers questions. You'll find out more about that after the next chapter though. :)

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