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Hello and welcome to your daily news story, tonight we have a tragic story to cover. 17 year old Kokona Haruka was found dead this morning after being sent to the hostipal. She didn't die from the posion she ate, but from being stabbed to death. Officials say this might be the work of the murderer from Academy High School, back for their revenge. Police pormise they are gonna ca-
I turned off the TV after hearing Mackenzie's death. She didn't derserve to die, and what's worse is that it was because of a killer. And that killer is still on the loose "Mackenzie is dead?!" Sue said shocked
"It was murder" Jessica told her
"Do you think it was a creepypasta?" Madison asked "Cause of it is, were in trouble!"
"Now why would they come after us?" Jacob asked Madison
"I think they want revenge"
"I don't think it was a creepypasta" I said as everyone looked at me
"She has a point, the police just said it might be the killer from the other school" Jessica said as she started to think
"I just have this feeling, that I've seen this all before" Sue said as she hugged her baby panda "Like the names of the students and school name just seem so familiar to me"
"I know what you mean" I said to her "I just wish I could put my finger on it!"
"Well, whatever is going on" Jacob said "let's hope it doesn't somehow depend on us to stop it"
I look down at my 'watch' when he said that.
'Maybe it'll be for the best to sit this one out' I thought 'My family got worried when we fought BEN and Jeff'
~time skip wololo~
I was sitting at lunch with my friends again, chewing on a apple when I saw Jacob running towards us
"Jacob! What's up?" We all asked him
"Nothing much, except I just found something messed up! Its so messed up, I'm surpised that the teachers didn't see it"
"Like what?" Madison asked him
"Like something really REALLY messed up!"
"Well show us!"
We all follow Jacob outside of the cafeteria to the computer lab, where the computers were all messed up and broken. The screens looked shattered and tons and tons of loose wires we're everywhere. Near the printer was random sheets of papers that had the word MINE and BEST FRIENDS. But there a huge puddle of blood in the middle of the room
"Is that blood?!" Jessica shouted
"No!" Sue shouted sarcasticly "Its jam!"
"We should call the cops! Or at least a teacher" Madison said as she stepped away from the room
I walk over the printer while my friends agured on what to do, I move it slightly to see a bloody arm hidden behide it
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled as I fell on my butt
"Ash! Are you OK?"
We caused a scene, like we normanly do, and some people called the police after they saw the arm. Others found the rest of the body spread out across the school grounds. The police came, did their investigation and decided to be best if school was canceled until further notice
~mini time skip~
We we're all still pretty confused on what's going on. Not scared, cause we have been in worse situations, but still confused. Jacob thought it would be best if he stayed with us to make sure we would be okay. So he was staying in our guest room
"Sue? What are you doing?" I asked as she placed things around our house
"I'm placing weapons across the house where we can find them easily, in case we need them!"
"I'm glad that your worried, but don't you think your taking too far?" Jessica asked as she walked inside the living room
"What do you mean?"
"She means that she doesn't want to walk inside her room and find 3 different types of guns and knifes" Madison said "Oh! Wait!"
"I'm doing this in case we need them!"
They started to argue again on what to do but I decided to stop them this time
"Guys! Stop, we need to stick together! What if something happened?"
"She's right, we do need to stick together" Jacob said as he walked inside the living room holding the house phone
"See? Even Jacob agrees"
"By the way Ashley" Jacob said "This is for you"
He handed me the house phone and I grabbed it
"No problem"
"Hey Ashley! Its me Ayano!" I heard her yell from the other side of the phone
"How did you get this number?" I asked her
"A phone book!"
"So do you wanna hang out later? Like what friends do?"
"Sorry, I can't my friends and I just decided stick together today"
"Like glue!" Madison said as she hugged my arm
"Oh......other friends"
"Yeah, maybe next time?"
"Okay goodbye"
She hunged up after that. I'm sure she's fine though......I hope

~Guys! I uploaded a chapter! Yay! XD Seriously though I was busy writing my new story that's coming out soon, so make sure you stick around for that! Okay byeeeee!~

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