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You just finished your last paper today. So it is time to on your wattpad!

You throw your bag to the floor and jump to your bed like the WWE style. Then you pick up your phone and on the wattpad account.

After a few minutes, you fall asleep with your phone on the hands. Then your mom shout for your name from the kitchen. She said

"Can you buy some lemon? I think i want to make some lemonade today"

"Okay mom!" you replied

You take a pair of black short pants and a white t shirt from your wardrobe. After that, you tie your red converse and get ready to the groceries shop.

You are a stylish person. You always wear whatever you want whenever you go especially with your red converse. You love converse very much!

On the way to the groceries shop,you see a man is doing weird thing to a dog near a house gate. Is he fighting with the dog?because the dog is barking very louder. You feel uncomfortable so you slowly leave that place.

Actually you are very afraid of dog,wolf, and fox. Especially wolf. You have a bad memory with wolf. When you was 10. You went for a camp and you had lost in the forest alone. Then,there was a pack of wolf around you. One of them had bite your right leg. It was very hurt! You think you are gonna die on that day but luckily you were saved. It was very mystery.

You enter the groceries shop and pay for the lemons on the counter. Then you pass the same place to go home and you still see the man. You curious so you stalk him by hiding yourself near the bushes.

You shock for a while. What is he doing with that dog?! Is he crazy? The man just fighting for a meat with that dog? Anyway the meat already wet with the dog's saliva. If i'm that man i will not eat that meat. You said to yourself.

Suddenly he turn back to the place where you are hiding now. You feel so scare. You think he is a bad person who want to eat you because his meat already been eaten by the dog.

"I can smell you stalker" he said

Wait! What does it mean by i can smell you? Then he goes to your hiding place. You close your eyes and cover it with your long hair.

"please don't eat me T_T " you beg him


He is laughing very hard after heard that. He pull your hands and put your hair to the side. Finally you open your eyes and accidentally make an eye contact with him. You are blushing. He is very tall and handsome ♥(my bias XD)

"Why are you stalking me?" He asked

Your brain blank for awhile. You don't know what should you tell him. So you have run from him. You run as fast as a cheetah to your house.

"Mom,i put the lemons on the table" You said

"Ouh..okay" she replied

You go back to your bedroom and lock the door. You are still blushing. I think i had met him before, but when? You ask yourself. On the next day you go to school with happy face because the exam is already over HAHAHAHA!!!

While you are laughing alone, you accidentally bump your classmate, and you don't know his real name. He is a mystery man. Anyway he always wear a mouth mask. He said that his face is too handsome to show to other people -_-

You apologize him. He is too tall @_@ He pull you towards him. Then he opens his mouth mask. You shock for awhile

"You...you....you... "

"Yeah,i'm that man. Why?" he ask

"Sorry! I don't mean to stalk you yesterday...."

"You must do something for me" he said

- BTS ONE SHOTS -Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ