Chapter 2

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~1 week later~

I pulled up to my hotel, i was here, i was finally at PAX. I parked my car and ran inside the hotel.

"Um, I have a room reserved under the name Haley Swan." I said

"Ah, yes here you are." the lady at the front desk said.

I grabbed the key and shouted 'Thank You' down the hall. I was running to my room and i couldn't wait to make a blog and get settled down. That's until i tripped. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!" i said. I didn't know who i was talking to and i didn't even bother look up.

The person chuckled. "Hey that's okay" the person said.

I stopped and thought for a moment. Where have i heard that voice before? I looked up to see who i was talking to. My mouth dropped open at the sight. "BajanCandain" I gasped.

"A fan i see" Mitch said. He held out my luggage to me. "I believe this is yours?" He held out my suitcase to me.

"Um, yeah" I blushed a deep red. I took my suitcase from him. "Thanks, my name is Hayley" I blurted out. I'm so STUPID! Why would i do that? I mentally faceplamed myself.

"And well, I'm guessing you already know my name." Mitch said.

"Yeah, its Joe right?" I joked.

He laughed. "Yup!" He said popping the 'p'. " So what are you here for? Wait let me guess, PAX East?" 

"Yeah" I said. "Well i gotta go now, bye Mitch" I said. I didn't want to leave but, i had to go unpack and get so rest. At least I would see him around PAX. Hopefully.

"Okay, Bye" Mitch said. He waved bye and left.

I walked the rest of the way to my room. I sighed i Was so tired from driving and especially running all over the place. I opened up my suitcase to grab my PJ's. But, then i saw something that caught my eye. A note. 'Call me- XXX-XXXX ~Mitch'. I smiled pulled out my phone and sent a text to Mitch. 'Hey its Hayley'. I put my phone on the night stand and fell asleep. 

Yay! Chapter 2 is out! Hopefully this one is long enough..... Oh well! So I think I might upload another chapter later today. That's only cause I leaving to go on vacation today so I might not to be able to upload a lot. I would upload off of my phone on my ipad but then it would suck and I don't want that so bear with me! Ok anyway, i how you all are enjoying the story so far. See you later my smexy readers! ~Missy <3 

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