t h i r t e e n

195 21 8


do you remember our first date? 

at the carnival? with all the cotton candy,

and games and stuffed animals, 

and the kisses,

god, those kisses.

my first date with verity was nothing like that.

it wasn't spontaneous,

it was just the two of us.

and it felt right.

i don't want to tell you because i don't want you to feel bad 

(even after all you've put me through),

but i do. i want to tell you and make you feel bad.

we ordered pasta and chinese food. we watched horror films,

(yes, i admit to liking how when she was scared she would scoot closer and hide her face in the crook of my neck)

and then we sat there, on her porch with nothing but the wooden floors and one blanket.

it was the best night i've had, hope you don't mind.

- will

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