Im like a time bomb

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I heard the crowd clapping and cheering, the atmosphere was amazing. A girl shouted in my ear, 'we won, we've finally won!' a huge smile appeared on my face. Then it happened, the little boy, he had... The boys on the ice had stopped celebrating and stood still they all looked at horror as the little boy laid there.

All the players had been asked to skate off but one stayed on, this guy had always caught my eye when he played ice hockey. He skated up to where I was standing, I was on a balcony it was quite a drop down, and the little boy must have been really hurt after that fall. The player had been talking to me but I was in a daydream, I could feel my cheeks getting pink, he smiled 'could you come downstairs? I need to speak to you.' I turned around no one was there, I was so confused had this guy been talking to me? He laughed, such a wonderful laugh he had and such gorgeous green eyes as well. Oh god, I had gone into another day dream again I should really speak to a doctor about these. I finally managed to snap myself out of it, 'sorry, are you speaking to me' my voice was so croaky and my cheeks had again gone pink. He laughed again, if I get to know him I should tell him to stop laughing, it was so cute and it really did make my knees go weak. 'Yeah I am, so will you?' his voice was perfect, he pointed to the stairs in the far corner.

He skated off to the other side of the rink and then got off the ice and walked to where he had told me to go, he looked at me then hand gestured. I think that meant I was supposed to hurry up, I had no clue but I ran to the stairs and then walked down them, I saw the guy and started running towards him. He started to run I don't exactly know how he managed it, he still had his ice skates on so I'm guessing it's hard to run in skates, I tripped whilst running towards him, luckily I was only feet away from him and he caught me in his arms, his touch was so gentle and soft it gave me shivers. My face had gone bright pink this time and I could feel the heat growing inside of me, our faces had only been inches away and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. 'Are you okay, do you know that boy? He took quite a fall' he whispered softly in my ear, I attempted to speak but nothing would come out of my mouth my lips were just moving but I could tell that he understood what I was saying.

He started to laugh, he really needed to stop my knees had gone week. 'Lucy Jones lost for words, how could this be? I remember when you were around 5, you used to run around the ice rink shouting random words at the top of your voice' he laughed again and this time he really did make my knees go weak, I fell forward grabbing onto his arm he hoisted me up. He cupped his hand under my chin and lifted my head up so I was looking directly into his eyes, 'are you sure you are alright? You look really faint' he whispered so softly I'm surprised I could even hear him. I just nodded and smiled I couldn't tell him how I was actually feeling, seriously I've just met him well that's what I thought until he said he remembers me when I was five. I smiled at this thought and how he remembered who I was, oh shit I had been in a daydream again apart from this time I started to sway back and forth.

'LUCY, LUCY? ARE YOU OKAY?' I could hear someone shouting at me but I couldn't make out or see who it was, suddenly two hands landed on my shoulders. Apart from the butterflies I could feel in my stomach I could suddenly feel myself being violently shaken, was I dreaming all of this? What was happening? Suddenly everything went black, I dropped to the floor everything was silent. I woke up about 10 minutes after collapsing seeing a crowd around me and 4 men who were looking at me and asking me loads of questions, 'how old are you?' 'Do you know where you are?' 'Have you got any family here with you?' questions were being thrown at me, my head started to pound and I could feel myself about to throw up.

I looked around for someone I knew and saw the guy that I had been talking to before I collapsed, 'him' I pointed to the guy. 'What about him darling?' my mum suddenly chirped up, 'that's the guy I had been talking too, he knows what happened. I want him now!' Everyone's head suddenly turned to the guy, oh god I could feel all my food coming back up. Whoops i honestly didn't
mean to throw up all over his ice skates, you cant control your own sick can you?

I feel like the biggest twat ever, i just wish i wasn't such an idiot.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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