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Okay, so I watched this documentary about how mass production of meat is ruining our planet. Get this, one pound of meat from a cow, not much, right? Well, that cow drinks 1200 gallons of water. For one pound of hamburger. In Brazil, to match the demands for meat, they deforest the rainforest. Once that forest is gone, the Congo is gone, and the whole tropical belt is just gone. We are running out of water. In São Paulo, they have water riots, because the water gets turned off at 9 pm. The people there rely on water from the roof. Water is becoming the new oil. And none of us are doing ANYTHING about it. People on tumblr are making big deals about someone who uses "Fey" pronouns being "misgendered." Someone being misgendered won't end the world. Losing all this water, and forests will. People on Instagram worry about that new diet trend, or their selfies. People care about their MOBILE DEVICES MORE THAN HELPING SAVE THE PLANET. Yes, I have a phone. But I'm aware of what will destroy our planet. Us. Too few people know about this, and want to do something. Too few people don't know anything, and care about material things. Well guess what?! YOU WONT GET TO HAVE THOSE THINGS ONCE WE DESTROY THE PLANET. So get off your lazy, privileged ass, and save your planet.

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