Lucy x Reader

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You were walking home and saw Lucy crying on a bench. You run up to her and place your left hand on her left shoulder.
"Something wrong Lucy?" You asked concerned. She looks up at you and nods.
"Well what's the matter?" You asked worried.
"The newspaper club, the one I'm in, our club president is out sick and our president has to do a 5 minute speech about updating a new submit of a place for newspaper clubs to have more room in front of other newspaper clubs from other schools and I insisted to do it for her, but I don't why I did when I can't stand being in front of that many people." Lucy explained.
"If it'll make you feel better, I can watch you at the meeting." You offered.
"Will you!? Because I feel more comfortable and confident if your there." Lucy smiled and said in excitement.
"Of course, anything to make your pretty smile to be on your face." You nodded and kissed her forehead.
"Let's go." Lucy said as she grabs your hand and brings you with her to the meeting.
"Wait here" Lucy let go of your hand and puts you sitting on a chair as she went up to the podium and looked at the paper to know what to say.
"Ahem." Lucy cleared her throat and also to get everyone's attention. She looks at you and you gave a smile to her.
"Welcome everyone to the Newspaper Clubs meeting, now, what ideas have we come up with for a place to have more room for our newspaper clubs?" Lucy spoke clearly and asked at the other school newspaper clubs and her own club.
A girl in front of you raised her hand up high into the sky.
"Yes Sasha?" Lucy looked at the girl and waited for her answer.
"I was thinking about cleaning that big empty building that has four stories high that's on Avenue street and maybe use that space?" Sasha suggested her idea out loud.
"That's actually a great idea Sasha!" Lucy smiled and wrote the idea down on a piece of paper with a mechanical pencil.
A boy right next to you raised his hand up high. The next 4 minutes of sharing ideas out loud.
"Well that brings this meeting to a end, we made point for Avenue street. Now thanks everybody for coming and being here and have a wonderful day!" Lucy smiled and waved at everyone. When people left, you came up to Lucy and hugged her.
"Great job Lucy." You complimented her.
"Thanks a lot." Lucy thanked and leans up to you and kisses you on the lips. You were surprised at first and then realize of what the kiss meant.
In the end, your friendship and trusting bond increased.

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