chapter 5

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This part is for HarrieAndLewie because she always comments and vote, thank you :) ♥


- what do you like to do? Like what's your hobbies?

-I like reading and writing.

-Write something for me !

Harry looked at the message on his phone, write for Louis something, he didn't know what to write, he always had a mind full of words but right now he can't make a simple sentence.

He thought and thought and then he finally found a thing.

-Your eyes beauty kills me. 

He blushed at what he sent, it looked like he was flirting with the boy but he didn't lie because he really liked Louis' eyes, that shade of blue that danced with gray between dark blacked eyelashes.

-That's beautiful, Harry. Your eyes are piece of art as well.

Harry looked at his phone with a grin that could reach America, Louis liked it and he said that Harry's eyes are beautiful too.

Nobody told Harry that before, he thought his eyes aren't that big thing. He still think that but he liked the thought of someone liking his eyes.

Harry always liked all kinds of eyes, every color, every size, he just thought there's a story behind every eye and there's something hidden in it. Some kind of invisible letters written on the eyes to describe how someone's feeling. You can know someone by looking at his eyes.

So he stared at a lot of people's eyes and through years he read thousands of stories by them. He liked eye contact, it makes you look at the soul not only the eye. He remembered how he tried to look at Louis' eyes and make an eye contact with him but Louis never looked back at his eyes, he doesn't know why. Maybe Louis isn't a big fan of eye contact or maybe Louis didn't want Harry to know his feelings or look into his soul.

Harry was deep in his thoughts he didn't even see Zayn's messages one by one crashing into his phone.

-Sorry, Zayn. I didn't see your messages.

-I'm sure something is wrong with you, you reply fast to me, what's wrong?!

-Nothing I swear, I just didn't see any message.

Harry closed his phone and didn't see what Zayn wrote next. Or what Louis wrote back too.

He was just sick of being that friend who should reply to everyone or they will get mad, he didn't care if someone didn't text him back, he takes things never seriously and he just doesn't care.

People believed that Harry isn't one to care but they just never expected that because Harry was nice and he helped people and he never said no to someone asked for something, he didn't like to see people sad or frowning, he always tried his best to put a smile on everyone's face, even his own.

He knew that if he can't make himself the person who people would like to meet then why he even wants people to be it. So he just made himself a good person because if you're good with people, they will be good with you.

World is full with good people, sometimes you just can't see them through the badness in your life.

"Harry, can you please take your cousin out for a walk, smell fresh air, it will be good for you both." Harry's mom said sweetly so she can make Harry move.

Harry looked at his mom then at his young cousin, he didn't want to go, he didn't like this child, he will probably annoy Harry the whole way and he will curse him in front of people.

But somehow Harry is with the child right now as the little boy jumps every minute and Harry having troubles with controlling him, he sighed rapidly and moved his hair behind his ear and held the boy's hand.

He never liked to contact with any other person, he didn't feel gross of other people but he just didn't like to have anyone's hand on any part of his body, he felt he wanted to jerk away but he can't do it because it would hurt people and they would think he's some kind of anti person.

But when Louis held his hand he liked it.

He didn't feel he wants to move away at all he actually felt he wanted to stay holding it longer because Louis' hand was soft and it fit in his perfectly without trying.

He thought he liked it because they're good friends now and he likes to break some rules with his friends.

But he never held his friends hands before.

Harry was lost in his thoughts again and he didn't see the car coming until the boy gripped his tight black jeans "Watch out!" the boy shouted and Harry moved away with him.

"Oh I'm really sorry, are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Harry said, obviously worried about his cousin.

"I'm okay," the child said and Harry let out a breath in relief, "What were you thinking about?" The question shocked Harry, how could some little child know he was sinking in his thoughts?

He was thinking of Louis.

"Nothing important, just some random things." Harry responded with a small smile, he didn't lie because his thoughts were random sometimes.

He must stop thinking about that boy.

So he pushed Louis out of his head and continued walking back home.

He was glad that even though his thoughts were a lot and his brain can be filled with them, he can avoid things he doesn't want to think of.

And that's what he did. He avoided thinking of Louis again.



I know it's not long but i wanna see more votes and comments + i'm studying because my exams are close so i'm sorry if the chapters are short!!




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