Part 3

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I froze, my body trembling. He was going to hurt me. I just knew it. The tears slowly trickled from my face at the thought of what he could do. Time seemed to go slower as he clenched his fist tighter and tighter and shot me a death glare. He spoke no words, just strolled right up to me.


I bounced up the stairs towards Jade's room, to give her the new timetable for the shows. As I approached the room, I heard small whimpers. The door was wide open so I peered in to reveal Harry stroll up to Jade and knock her out. Why didn't I stop him? I hid as he walked out to avoid more conflict and ran straight towards Jade. Her hair was spread out across the floor and her eyes were tightly closed. She looked so peaceful. Her head had a nasty cut which was pouring with blood. I quickly grabbed a towel and pressed it against the cut whilst phoning an ambulance.

Whilst anxiously waiting for it to come I phoned Aimee and her and Ashley hurried over.

There was nothing we could do so we just tried to stop the bleeding and comfort her. Thankfully she was still breathing. I couldn't lose her now, especially not when I saw Harry hit her. I could of stopped him. But I didn't. Maybe it was my fault. If I'd of just stopped him. But no.

The ambulance crew burst in and as I filled them in on what happened she was lifted on a strecher and took into the ambulance. I clambered in after her and the girls followed in the car. On the way she still didn't wake up - it was awful to see. I hate Harry, he never deserved her.


I glanced over towards the clock, it was 1am. The doctors had told me that Jade should wake up, but I was still terrified. I looked down to her as she slept peacefully, I just wanted her to wake up.

Her eyes fluttered open. I felt so relieved. Just at that moment a nurse entered the room and began talking.

"Hey Jade. It looks like you've had a nasty bump to the head. We've stiched up the cut and its healing fine. Get some sleep and you should be able to go home around lunchtime."

"Ok, Thank you" I replied

"A-a-a-aston?" Jade stuttered "Where am I?"

"Hey babe. Your in hospital, but don't worry. Do you remember what happened?" I spoke gently to her.

"Uhh, yeah. I-I-I called it off with Harry. He wasn't to pleased. He was really angry and I think he did this too me Ast. Help me Ast, please."

"I will babe, don't you worry. Harry is going down. Now get some sleep"


"Make sure you take these every hour and if you feel dizzy or sick, do come back. You should be able to perform tonight so long as you take it easy and don't do much or any dancing" spoke the nurse as she handed Jade her medicine.

We went back to the hotel and Jade was going to stay with the girls in their room. I fetched her stuff from her old room as she couldn't face it. I could tell she was terrified.

We had already told the police but as they only had my witness account there was nothing they could do to prove it, so he was given a caution.

It was 5 hours until the show so Jade had plenty of time to recover, she was planning on doing the show as she felt much better.


I ran up the steps to  the stage ready to perform, I was buzzing. The only thing that was bringing me down was Harry. I hadn't seen him but he was constantly ringing me. I refused to anwser. Because I couldn't dance we had no dancers on stage with us, and just sang.


"That show was amazing!" shouted Marvin

I noticed Harry in the background, we had eye contact but I quickly turned away. I hated him for what he did to me, besides he was with Rebecca now.

Sorry I've not updated in a while

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