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1. Never take an idea without messaging or commenting for it, if you do I'll report it and have it removed.

2. If you do not have the book / first chapter up within a week I will put it back up for availability. If you know you won't be able to have it up within that time, come to me and I'll give you more time.

3. Please don't fight over a book in the comments, and please don't fight with me. I will pick whoever I want to be the books owner. And if you pick something with me, I can guarantee you that you will definitely not be getting that book. Tough luck.

4. Unavailable books will have a * next to the title, but people will most likely give me the idea back if they lose interest in it, so always be on the lookout!

5. This rule kind of applies to rule #3, the first commenter does not immediately just get the book, like I said, it's whoever I choose. If I don't message or respond back to your comment saying you can have it, then don't start writing it. Common sense.

6. Have fun! This isn't a contest or a race, I don't care how professional you are, or how many followers you have, I'll give it to whoever I think fits. So don't get bummed out if one of your books is already taken. I promise you I have many more ideas that you might find interest in.


Xoxo, Mia.

Story Book IdeasNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ