P r o l o g u e

79 10 22

Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick -

Silence fell over the long corridor. It clawed at the guard's heart, and stuck to the walls like glue.

Something wasn't right.

Suddenly, a bloodcurdling scream could be heard, echoing down the corridor and making the guard, Arden Lewis, stiffen in fear.

"What was that?" He whispered to himself, his face paling. He clutched his walkie-talkie.

"Hello? Lewis here. I heard a scream. Anything to report?" He whispered into it, his hands trembling slightly.

Silence, then a crackling noise emitted from his walkie talkie. Arden waited for the voice on the other end, but none came. He repeated his message, fear squeezing at his chest, making it hard to breath. "Hello?"

"... Lewis? ..." A voice whispered. Arden grabbed his walkie talkie.

"Roberts? What's going on? Did you hear the scream?" Arden said, throwing all his questions out quickly.

"He's escaped, Lewis," said John Roberts, or 'Roberts', in a hushed voice.

"He's escaped?" Arden's blood froze, and he nearly dropped the communication device. "Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit."

"He's in the building somewhere. I don't know where. We need to find him, Lewis," Roberts said, breathing heavily.

"Are you nuts? No. We need to hide, Roberts. H-i-d-e. Hide," Arden said, spelling it out slowly to emphasise his point.

"Don't be such an idiot, Lewis. We're security guards. It's our j-"

Roberts cut himself off as he inhaled sharply.

"What? What is it?" Arden hissed.

"He's here," Roberts whispered. A giggle could be heard; a high, cackling laugh, that bounced around the room. Arden froze.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are.." Sang the voice, swooping in pitch between high and low. It was one of the scariest voices Arden had ever heard in his entire life.

"Put your hands up," Yelled Roberts. "Now!"

"And why would I do that, officer? I just escaped. I don't wish to be caught again." A mocking tone on 'again', which just managed to make the voice even more intimidating than it already was.

"You deserve to be locked up," Said Roberts bravely. Arden listened anxiously, wishing he could go and help but he didn't know Roberts whereabouts. He shakily got to his feet, and with the walkie talkie in hand, went down the corridor.

"No. I really don't." The patient said, in a bored tone. Arden quickened his pace, jogging down the corridor now and turning left, searching for Roberts. He had a really bad feeling now. He ran past the woman's cells, ignoring the screams and cries of them.

"Roberts?" He hissed in the walkie talkie. "Where are you? I'm coming."

"Ohhhh... What's this? Sneaky, sneaky," Giggled a dark voice into Roberts device. "Is that Arden Lewis?"

Arden stopped running, his eyes widening. How did this monster know his name?

"Y-yes. This is him." Arden said in a strong voice, even though he was shaking like a leaf.

"Perfect! Where are you, Lewis dear?" Sang the voice, the pitch heightening. Arden gulped, then, ignoring the voice, started running again. Where was Roberts?

"Roberts?" He hissed, pushing open the door leading to the therapy room and looking around. Empty.

"I found youuuuuu..." Said a voice behind him, making Arden nearly jump out of his skin. He whirled around, but he was too slow and he struck. He had a knife, and it glitterd silver as it tore through Arden's collar bone. He let out a bloodcurdling scream, and fell to the floor, clutching his throat to try and stop the blood flow.

"Oh god," Arden groaned, his fingers coated in blood.

"Hola, Lewis." Sang the crazed inmate, grinning. Arden was struggling to breath, and there were black dots appearing in his vision.

"Where's Roberts?" He managed to choke out.

"Dead, duh. " replied the inmate, smirking slightly, as if it should have been obvious. Arden let out a sharp breath. His childhood best friend- gone just like that.

"Would you care for some tea, old chum?" Said the crazy suddenly, stopping Arden in his actions. In all honestly he was confused.


The monster smacked him over the head with a China teacup, cutting into the side of Arden's forehead, making him cry out in pain, and fall backwards. Then with a menacing grin, the dangerous criminal picked up the teapot that was seated on the oak table opposite them. He flicked the lid up, and poured it all over Arden's face.

Arden screamed, arching his back, but the hot water just kept coming, numbing his senses and darkening his vision. He could only feel pain, red hot pain.

And the criminal laughed.

Then, Arden gave up, letting the pain overcome him as he writhed in agony. Slowly, painfully, he fell into a black endless tunnel.


And the Mad Hatter made his escape.

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