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I like tea. I like the smell of it, and the taste. I  like it with biscuits (rich tea- if you please) and scones.

I  also like pouring it over my victims heads. Watching as their skin blisters, bubbles and reddens, and their screams echo off the walls. It is music to my ears. A beautiful concerto, just for me.

Tea is precious, and can't be wasted on just any old commoner. No- in my eyes they have to deserve it. They should think it an honour that I would chose to end their life with tea (well, tea and the odd stabbing with a knife).

I use only the best: Earl Grey, even though I don't care much for the taste. I use Earl Grey on my victims, then go home and brew myself a very strong cup of Pungana.

Tea time is also important. Four o'clock on the dot, if you please. I like to give people a choice, so I provide cakes, and biscuits and pastries. The best china is put out on the table, and napkins are clean and neatly folded in a rectangle. The silverware is gleaming.

"Help yourself," I tell the young lady tied up in the chair directly opposite me. She blinks, shallows behind her cloth gag (I really need to buy some more duct tape! I keep forgetting), and let's a few tears escape from her eyes. I watch this all carefully, then push a slice of double chocolate fudge cake towards her.

"Bon appetit, Madame." I say. Her beautiful eyes narrow, and she yells something behind her gag.

"Ah of course..." I stand up, and step towards her. Her eyes fill up with terror, and she struggles in her chair. This makes me smile. I lean against the back of her chair, letting my warm breathe tickle her exposed neck. She shudders.

Beautiful. I undo the gag from the back, letting it fall onto her lap. She lets out a sigh, then turns her head around so quickly that she almost head butts me. Her eyes are full of fire, and ice. A strange combination, but full of intensity of gaze.

"Let me go, you freak!" She snaps, all biting venom, and clawed hands. "I don't want your chocolate cake, I want to go home!"

"Alice, Alice, Alice..." I sigh, shaking my head in disappointment.

"My name is not Alice!" Her voice has risen to a yell now; not yet screaming... but she will be soon. I don't tolerate disobedience from my Alice's.

"Alice, I will punish you for your impertinence if you continue this silly spectacle. Now as I said before: help yourself to the food, or..." I pause, letting a sweet smile spread across my face. "I'll ram it down your throat."

That certainly shuts her up. Her eyes widen with shock, and the fire and ice vanishes. I undo the restraints on her wrists to allow her easy access to the food.

I sit down, and help myself to a slice of apple tart. Alice is not eating. She is simply staring at her empty plate in a daze.

"Alice," I chide. She jumps, and looks up at me. I raise an eyebrow, and she catches sight of her empty plate. She hurriedly takes a piece of cake, and starts eating it. I smile.

Good girl.

Tea time ends soon enough, and Alice has managed to eat a slice of cake, a few biscuits (ginger hobnobs), and swallowed down a cup of tea. All this was done in silence.

I, on the other hand, chatted enough for the both of us. The weather, the sweet treats - anything I could think of I discussed. She never answered, but I felt Alice was listening at least.


She looks up at me silently. Her legs are still bound so she can't move. I crouch down by her chair to undo the restraints, and when everything is done, I notice her calves are tensioning. She is going to try and run. Stupid idea. I grab her ankle, and hold it tightly, squeezing the flesh.

"Don't even think about it." I say firmly, slicing at the delicate skin with my nails, drawing blood. She gasps and nods.

Clever girl.

My last Alice tried to run. She was fast too. I should have known she would've been fast from how athletic she was, but it never crossed my mind. She didn't get far. I flung a knife at her unprotected leg and she went down, letting out a howl of pain. The memory of her scream still makes me laugh. Anyway- I disposed of that Alice. She simply had to go. I couldn't have my Alice's being disloyal to me.

I have a feeling that this Alice will not run. She's a smart girl. She knows running will mean certain death. I finish undoing the restraints around her ankles- just a simple cord of rope. Nothing too fancy, but it does the job. I offer her my hand, and she hesitantly takes it. She stands up, wobbling on her legs like a newborn deer.

"What do you want with me?" Alice asks. Her pretty eyes are filled with tears, and this makes me smile. She's sad. Or fearful. Maybe both.

"I want you to be my Alice. That is all." I reply.

"'Your Alice'?" She repeats, her voice rising in pitch as she panics. "What does that even mean?"

"You are my Alice. I am the Mad Hatter. Together we can make the story go on!" I'm excited. I love this bit. Explaining to the Alice's what's going to happen.

"Alice.... Mad Hatter.... story..." she mumbles to herself. Her mind must be spinning with all this new information. "Alice in Wonderland."

"Yes!" I clap my hands, delighted. She has finally worked it out (although it wasn't really that hard. I mean- Alice and the Hatter. Come on)

"But... that's a story! It's not real!" She cries, turning to face me.

"It is real!" I snap, tightening my hold on her wrist. She lets out a yelp, and her eyes widen fearfully.

"Okay, okay," she says quickly. "It is real. It is. I was just being silly."

She's learning. I nod happily, leading her out of the dining room, and then I laugh. "Oops. I nearly forgot!"

I pull out a black piece of cloth and tie it over her eyes, then I spin her thrice. "Can't have you escaping, Alice."

She's dizzy and disoriented as I lead her along, tripping over her feet. "What's happening?" She says, but I don't answer. I push her into a room. My personal favourite. The walls are painted baby blue, and it's light and airy, with wide windows. Of course the glass is unbreakable, but Alice doesn't know that. It'll be fun to watch her try and escape.

"Goodnight, Alice," I say, closing the door behind me and locking it.

"Wait- no!" Alice yells, pulling the blindfold off and running towards me, but the door is closed and she is too late. She bangs her fists against the door. "No! Please don't lock me in here!"

I laugh as I walk away. The first night they spend here is always the best.


I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Word count: 1214

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