April Hall

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Hi I'm April, and if your wondering yes I'm related to Kyle Hall, you know 1/7 MDE members. Well he said that I can come and meet them!!! I'm like freaking out! MDE praticly saved my life. Kyle still doesn't know I used to cut myself. I don't anymore, because of them. I don't even think they know I exsist. I'm an outcast at every school I go to, no matter what. Kyle was always there to pretect me, but when he graduated, I was alone. But he would still come everyday, because he wanted to make sure I was okay. He's honestly the nicest brother ever, I always feel safe when I'm around him. But ever sence he moved to California things have changed. It seems like everyone keeps looking at me, with dirty looks, and things aren't getting better, but they get better when he comes home again. I know it's crazy but when he's around me, it's like everything feels right. He's not just my brother, he's my best friend. We tell each other everything. When he was dating Meghan, I could tell she was just using him to be famous on YouTube, and Twitter. I'm just not sure why he dated her, but I told him what I thought about her, but I lied to her face, and told him what I really think when she left. I'm not a bad person I swear, but I'm just not good with talking to people, I just have social anxiety.

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