Don't hate me...

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  • Dedicated to all of you

I know.

I know this isn’t what you expected when you saw that this story had been updated. You thought that I had finally sat my ass down and written you the best goddamn chapter that was thirteen (wattpad) pages long.

Well, I’m sorry to disappoint, but that’s not what this is.

This is me telling you, with much regret, that breaking free has now been discontinued. There’s no point to have you guys waiting for that new chapter when it’ll never come.

Now, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time - actually, since I put up that “on hold.” Of course, I’ve thought over my ideas for this story and tried to write them down, but they weren’t going to plan. And when I’d force myself to write, it would sound like a twelve-year-old with no writing education had written it for me.

I don’t want to give that to you guys. I want to give you guys a story that you can see in your mind as if there were a movie being played; can you guys even do that with this story? I just want to give you guys the best, not the worse, which is why this must end...Sorry.

Can I just...can I just tell you guys honestly I can’t see myself writing for this anymore? I mean, the humor is pathetic, the writing is horrid, and just the whole plot is a complete and utter mess - there basically is no plot, now that I think about it; this is just a bunch of ideas that I had put together and out popped this sorry excuse of a story.

I know that I’m repeating myself, but I just...I can’t continue this story. Ever. Can you guys understand that? I don’t want to write more for it, then come to hate ever having come up with the idea of the book. I don’t want that to happen, and if I try to write for it anymore, I’m afraid that it will just become too much and I’ll end up deleting it.

Please...understand this?

Don’t hate me...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2013 ⏰

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