Chapter 1

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Two girls, Charlotte Murray and Hallie Wood, both the ripe age of eighteen, waited in line at the famous London Wembley Stadium. Charlotte, fondly known as "Charlie", a thin dark haired lass, of medium height, was less excited than her counterpart, Hallie. Hallie, who'd been following this band for months, was having a hard time keeping still. Her long, sticklike body, partly covered by a golden mane, was shaking visibly. 

"I wonder if they'll see us"The blonde said to the smaller brunette,"We are in the first row, after all, but they might look right over us. 

Charlotte, who rolled her eyes, though wasn't spotted by Hallie, responded,"Hallie, if they see us...then they see us. If they don't, well there is nothing we can do about it"

It was obvious that the brunette wasn't overcome with nerves as many of the others behind her were. She'd never heart of the band preforming, One Infliction, was it? No, One Direction. Or so said the billboard outside the venue. She was there only per request of her oldest friend, and even then it took quite a bit of convincing. Suddenly, as if everyone on the long line had been turned on by a light switch, the air was filled with pre-pubescent screams. Five boys, unfamiliar to Charlotte, climbed out of a black and red tour bus, each smirking in turn at the hordes of salivating girls. The oldest looking one, with brown hair and striking blue eyes, blew a cheeky kiss to a small group of girls, sending them into a frenzy in an attempt to catch the airborne momento. 

A green-eyed chap, with hair that looked as if he'd just fell out of bed, linked arms with blue eyes, laughing together at the affect of the imaginary kiss. Next was a darker skinned boy, with a mop of raven coloured hair atop his head. 

"Holy shit, thats Zayn Malik!"Hallie screamed to Charlotte, despite their proximity to each other. 

Zayn, as Hallie had called him, strutted off the bus, his ego bigger than his head of hair. Last, but apparently not least, came a pair. A slightly stern looking boy, with hair cut short, which was a contrast to the rest of the band, who all had messy locks. He held hands with a smaller boy, who had bright eyes, the color of a cloudless sky. The blonde and blue-eyed boy seemed slightly taken aback, shrinking back from the crowd. The other members, sensing his fright, crowded around him as their large escorts led them into the venue. Upon passing Charlotte and Hallie, the group stopped, and the blonde stepped from his protective circle of teenage boys. He walked to the crowd, towards a pair of girls, a blonde much taller than her brunette friend. 

The screaming stopped as they all intently watched him move, seemingly mesmerized by what was in front of him. Upon reaching the orange and black striped barrier, he held his hand out to the brunette

"What is your name?"He asked, his Irish tilt surprising her. He struck her more as a Englishman. She paused, her nerves rising as she felt thousands of apprehensive eyes burning holes into her back. However, the only one she could see were the brilliant blue eyes of Niall Horan, the second youngest in the most popular boyband in the world. Her pause made his face, with slightly upturned pink lips and ruddy cheeks, frown. He wondered why she was taking so long? Was it just the shock of him picking her out of thousands, or did she not want him to know her name?

Slowly, as if she'd forgotten her name and was reciting it to herself to make sure it was correct, she responded,"Charlie Muarry"

It wasn't like her to get this flustered. Charlotte was normally as cool as a cucumber. In fact, she was known in her school for being abnormally passive. Hallie, who had shock scrawled all over her face, nudged her friend forward. 

Clearing her throat, the girl responded,"Charlotte Murray"Her voice was clearer, finally carrying over the breathing of thousands waiting for his response

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