Chapter 2

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The boys left Charlotte on her own in their dressing room, getting ready for a sound check. She wondered what it was like for them, to be on the road almost 24/7, never seeing their families, never going to real school. Her natural curiosity took over as she began to pick around. 

Each door was marked with the names of each boy, Louis, Niall, Harry, Liam, Zayn. Pushing the door marked Niall Horan in big block letters, she gagged, being welcome with a smell so bad she imagined that something had died in that room. Clothes were everywhere, shirts on the bed, pants on the corners of mirrors, boxers on the ceiling fan. Food was sitting on the glass table, obviously been left there for quite a while. What Charlotte didn't understand was how it had gotten this messy, Niall had only arrived at the venu an hour or two before. Cringing, she picked up a t-shirt, Crazy Mofo scrawled on the front, a giant red stain on the back. Tossing it on the floor, she made her way through the mess. Another vile scent assaulted her, causing Charlotte to run out of the room, holding her nose. 

From her previous experiences, she realized that it was better if she left their rooms alone, walking towards the stage. Leaning against a banister behind the curtains, I watched the boys jump around the stage, their heavenly voices filling the auditorium. Wait, she thought, she didn't think they were heavenly. The only boyband she liked was 5SOS, and even then she kept it to herself. 

"They're pretty good, aren't they?"Said a soft Australian voice, making Charlotte jump. 

Clearing her voice, she responded,"Yeah, pretty good"

Ashton smirked, his breath blowing on her shoulder, sending chills along Charlotte's spine

"You know, you never told me your name"He said

Charlotte shook her head,"No, I don't believe I did"She whispered, all to aware of his proximity

"Care to share?"He asked, resting his chin on her shoulder

Charlotte squeezed her eyes shut, using all her strength not to grin and freak out like the fangirl that she was. Ashton Irwin's chin was residing on her shoulder. Sure, she'd imagined something more intimate, but this was spectacular as well. 

"Charlie"She said, tilting her head to the side, his angelic face coming into view.

Ashton nodded,"Well, Charlie,"He said, making her go weak at the knees as he said her name,"Will you dance with me?"He asked

Charlotte nodded,"Of course. I'd love to"

Ashton nodded and walked around her, holding his hand out and pulling her onto the stage. The boys began to sing "Little Things" As Ash placed one hand on her hip and kept his hand intertwined with hers. Charlotte beamed up at him and placed her free hand on his shoulder. 

Ash swayed with her, laughing as the boys circled around them, serenading them. The only one who didn't look very happy was Niall. He kept on frowning and looking at Zayn, who didn't notice the blue-eyed boys glare. Ash dipped her slowly, her dark hair falling to the floor. 

The song ended and Ashton bowed to her,"You can sure cut up a rug"

Charlotte curtseyed, looking around as one of the stagecrew said to clear the stage to prepare for the opening. Charlotte joined the boys as they walked off stage, leaving Ashton to take the drums as the rest of his band walked on. 

"You excited for your first show?"Louis asked, slinging his arm around her shoulders,"Its gonna be awesome, you know, it being the homeland"He said, putting his hand to his chest,"GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!"

Charlotte laughed and joined him in singing "God Save the Queen". Louis swayed with Charlotte, raising his hand as he pretended to hold a lighter,"God save our gracious Queen. Long live our nobal Queen..."They sang, the rest of the boys, excluding Niall who sang the irish national anthem, soon joining in,"To sing with heart and voice. God save the Queen!"They said, their voices raising to a shout

Charlotte laughed as the boys joined arms, chanting together before they went onstage. A deafening roar over came the crowd as the five teenagers jumped up and down on the stage, riling the crowd up

"Lemme hear it!"Shouted Harry, cupping his hand around his ear 

The girls screamed so loud Charlotte had to cover her ears. She didn't know how the boys did it. How they consistently go on stage and make it look so effrortless? How did they deal without seeing their families for months on end? If Charlotte was in their shoes, she would have broken the day they left England. 

Charlotte spent the rest of the concert backstage, laughed along with Ashton, Luke, and Mike as the boys played around. At one point, Harry's black skinnies were pulled down, revealing a pair of grey boxers. His cheeks flared red as he desprately pulled his pants his, Harry's bright green eyes narrow as he tried to find the culprit. 

The crowd screamed Liam's name as he hid behind an amp, hiding from Harry. Though soon enough, Liam was discovered and Harry proceeded to chase Liam around. Charlotte fell into Calum, both holding their stomach with laughter. Zayn managed to pacify the situation, but not before Harry had torn the back of Liam's button-down. The crowd went wild as Liam's skin was shown off, but it was soon doused with boos as the boys sang their last song and said goodnight.

As the boys skipped, arm in arm, blowing kisses to their adoring fans, Charlotte and the rest of 5SOS greeted the sweaty teens with open arms. Niall ran straight for Charlotte, wrapping his toned arms around her and lifting her off her feat

"What did you think?"He asked, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand

Charlotte scoffed,"What did I think? What did I think? You guy are amazing. I didn't know a single lyric, but you still make me want to join in"

Louis gasped, pulling Charlotte from Niall's embrace,"Are you not a fan of ours?"He asked, faking betrayal

Charlotte shook her head, shrugging lightly,"Not really, I mean you guys are super nice. I just was never into the whole boyband scene. I was actually here for a friend, her mother's wishes"She admitted

Harry laughed and tilted her chin up, his green eyes focused on her grey,"Well, Charlie...we'll make a fan out of you yet"

Now Charlotte knew why girls fainted over these boys  



I know its been really long since I updated, but I've just been on holiday and term is about to begin again so I just haven't had the time. Please, for the next chapter, I'd like to have 4 votes and 2 comments. PRETTY PLEASE, and then I'll love you forever

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2013 ⏰

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