Will It Blend?

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Once upon a time in the land of ITECia...

Jimmy always loved breakfast. But today, something seemed.... different.

As he waited for that familiar "pop" coming from the toaster, he heard something different.

There was a shrill "WHIRRRRRR" and then a small screech; he could have sworn he heard someone yell, "hot, Hot, HOT!!!!"

He slowly turned away from the table and his shocked gaze fell upon the most amazing sight he had ever seen. The toaster, his old familiar friend was running frantically in circles, trying to pull his power cord from the wall while sparks flew from the slots that usually produced his pop tarts.

Jimmy was horrified, but still hungry; he contemplated returning to the cupboard to retrieve another pop tart, when the toaster started running after him.

"You dare put a pop tart in me!" it screamed, "you know I prefer toaster strudels!"

Jimmy squealed and lifted himself airborne with fright, he darted to the cupboard and searched frantically...popcorn, peanut butter, pistachios, pop tarts, pudding...GOOD GRACIOUS, where were the strudels? The toaster cord whipped frantically along the counter and soon the toaster stood under Jimmy, chrome gleaming and coils still glowing. "How you feelin'?" the toaster quipped.

Jimmy collapsed to the floor and covered his sobbing head. Suddenly, from across the room a voice boomed, "You dare speak of the German propaganda pastry in MY kitchen!" Jimmy turned his head and saw the blender, the creator of his favorite smoothies slowly inching his way across the counter in their direction. His blades whirred menacingly as he approached, and for the first time, Jimmy could tell that the toaster was worried.

The blender's blades spun so quickly, that it began to take flight. As it lifted off the counter, the toaster began to shake. Jimmy took cover under the breakfast nook. The blender began its descent over the toaster, as it came closer the toaster it spoke...

"It is not a question of tart or strudel...but...will it blend?"

*By Emily Dahm, Jay Dold, Kevin Reyes and Michael Drum in ITEC 860 Collaborative Session

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 29, 2011 ⏰

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