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Dragon's footsteps echoed the passageways of Jade Mountain Academy. Loud yells came from ahead, bouncing off of the stone walls like glass reflects beams of sunlight that would never reach the lower tunnels of Jade Mountain. Few even knew these tunnels existed. Hiatus' starry wings brushed the top of the passage, as he made his way hurriedly along. How had he even been chosen for this? He didn't remember taking any extra training courses to have a high honor roll in the Order. A blast of fire made its way down the tunnel, and Chasm spread his scarred wings, to block the flames from hurting anyone else. He was known as the guardian. Chasm would do anything to protect anyone but himself. His wings had smoke coming from them, and places where the fire had burnt completely through. Around it was blackened skin, still smoldering. But Chasm didn't even wince. They walked faster, now. Suddenly all of the dragons in front of him stopped advancing, causing Hiatus to stop so abruptly that he bent some of the scales on the top of his wings backwards. A little bit shaken up, he looked past the dragons to see a wide open space with ceilings arching high enough for at least ten dragons to fly freely without even grazing each other's wings. In the middle, there were two dragons battling to what looked like the death. One was aquamarine which Hiatus guessed to be a SeaWing, and the other was ruby red, which he guessed to be a SkyWing. They were yelling at each other, but Hiatus could only pick up bits of it like;
"Failed..... Mind...... Now..... Sight..... Dragon"
What did it mean? The SeaWing hit the SkyWing's cheek and something flew out of his ear. It almost looked like a storm cloud. Except it was in the shape of a dragon's head with its jaws wide open. Then, everything was dark. He heard all of the dragon's motionless bodies hit the ground. He felt as if all the soul was being withdrawn from his body and lingering just outside of his skin, as if it was teasing him that he couldn't control it. He realized the darkness was some sort of fog that had made the others go unconscious. He had been behind multiple dragons, so he had avoided the full power of the first wave of this fog. Therefore he had remained conscious. But he could see some sort of other movement out in the cave. Could it be that.... Thing?
"....Hello?....." Hiatus called out.
He heard laughter. But not the laughter you would hear from two dragonets playing tag. Maniacal laughing. As if he was the prey, trapped in a corner, about to have the life taken out of him, and be eaten for lunch. Then he felt a sharp pain in the side of his head. Now his eyes closed and he saw a dragon in front of him, about a half a mile away. He had black scales, but the neck of a SkyWing. His tail was curled under like a RainWing's and spines running down his back as if he were apart IceWing, too, along with the crest of a SandWing upon his head. There were even some bright yellow luminescent scales and a flat head like a MudWing. But how? How could you be all of the tribes at once? Even if someone like the dragon from the prophecy, Sunny was her name, half SandWing and half NightWing, bred with another hybrid, that's only four tribes. There were seven in Pyrrhia. And by the time there were two dragons with that many dragon tribes as their heritage the genes would be too mixed to have this many features from all the tribes as distinct as they were.
"We-elcome to yo-your mi-ind, Hi-iatus." The dragon said. His voice was full of malice, and had the sound as if it was glitching.
"Stay away from me!" Hiatus backed up, tripping over his own tail and falling over trying to scramble back up and run. But the strange dragon seemed to bend reality- or whatever could be real in someone's mind and with one step, come to place one cold, rough, jagged talon on top of Hiatus' head, and level his strange looking face with his.
"Yo-ou will li-isten to me. Yo-ou will be my li-ittle puppet. And mo-ost im-mpoortant, you will be blind." A little bit of smoke came out of his mouth and nose to give him even more of a menacing look, as Hiatus stared into his eyes.
"But why?" He was shaking now. What did this dragon want from him? Why him?
"Be-ecause si-ince I'm stu-uck as a spi-irit, I need so-omeone to succeed where I failed. And you wi-ill succeed where I failed. My mistake with my last victims was that I let them try without my full control over their minds. That won't happen with you, tho-ough," That was the longest he had gone without a glitch. Hiatus didn't know whether to be scared. "I will control you completely, and at no cost will I retreat this time." He looked at his RainWing tail, and regret filled his eyes. But why would someone look at their tail in regret? Is there something more to all of his different tribe features? But Hiatus didn't have time to think long. The dragon tightened his grip around his head so that the tiniest bit of blood trickled down his forehead and the feeling that a thorn had just struck his head. But that was before the dagger stabbed through his head. At least that's what it felt like. He screamed in agony.
"Why?! Why me?!" A darkness was filling his vision and his sanity started to slip away from him. Based on what this dragon had said, he wouldn't be getting it back any time soon. Right before all of his hopes of holding onto even the tiniest sliver of his soul, the dragon said one last thing.
"A-and by th-he way. M-my na-ame is Crevasse."

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