Chapter One

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Before I start, I just wanna say that updates may be very slow. I have a lot going on and I'm busy but I try to update ASAP. I hope you like it! I don't edit any of the chapters, so I'm sorry if there's any typo's.

*Meagan's POV*

I'm currently in my room singing Stitches by Shawn Mendes. I hear a small applause from behind me and I jump, turning around. "That was amazing." A tall man said.

"Oh! Um...T-Thanks..." I said, looking down.

"I'm Liam. And you are?"

"Meagan...?" "Meagan Mariah Shafer."
He nodded.

"Liam Payne. How old are you?"


"Where'd you learn how to sing from?"

"No where...I get it from my mom I think. I dunno. I never met her. I mean- I did ...I don't remember."

"How would you feel if I adopted you?"


"Cause...I sort of already did." "You- oh- umm..."

"Pack your bags, love."

"N-No. I don't- I don't want to."

He grabbed the suitcase from beside the bed and started pulling stuff out of the dresser.

"stop!!!" I yelled, knocking it from his hands.

He looked at me. "Pack." He said calmly.

I hesitated, but started packing.

After I finished we went to the car.


We went inside and he showed me to my room. It had a queen size bed, a window seat, a desk, a walk in closet, and it's own bathroom.

"I didn't know what color you like...We can always paint it."

"Blue. I like blue, so it's fine."
He nodded.

"I'll let you unpack. I'll be downstairs in the kitchen making dinner. Afterwards we need to go over the rules."

He walked out, shutting the door behind him.

Hmph. Rules. I don't follow rules.

I unpacked and then went downstairs. He was making spaghetti. "Are you allergic to anything?" He asked. "No." I said quietly. He nodded.

"Me either. What's your favorite thing to eat? Mines pizza."

"Pizza. And funyuns."

"I like reeces."

"I love reeces" I said.
He chuckled.

Something seems so...Strange, familiar even, about him.

"Why do you wear long sleeves? In the summer?" He asked, pointing at my sleeves.

"Oh...Um...I get cold easily. I always have."

"Hm." He said.

After he made us our bowls we sat down and ate. I took a phew bites, then poked at my food. "I'm not that hungry..."

"Take a phew more bites."

I rolled my eyes and his jaw clenched, but I took some more bites. He took our bowls to the sink.


1: Say yes sir and no sir
2: bedtime is at 9, 12 on weekends
3: curfew is at 7. 9 on weekends.
4: keep your room clean
5: keep your grades up
6: no smoking or drinking
7: no cussing
8: do what I say, when I say it
9: don't back talk
The consequences will be grounding or spanking."

"What!? You cant spank me! And I cuss all the time. And I'm sure as hell not saying yes sir or no sir. And my grades are always a train wreck!"

"Actually, I can. And that's going to change. I can help you with your grades, you're smart enough to keep them up."

"No I'm not! You cant do that!"

"Don't raise your voice at me."

"I'll do whatever I want."

He took a deep breath. "Go take a bath and get ready for bed. There should be towels in the cabinet under the sink."

"Fuck you." I mumbled, walking away. "Excuse me!?" He said, grabbing my wrist. I winced. "N-Nothing."

He let go and I ran upstairs to- well, my room I guess.

I went to the bathroom and got a towel out. Then I undressed and took a shower, my wrists immediately stinging from the water.

(For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, she self harms.)

I stepped out and changed into a big T-shirt and shorts.
I took a deep breath and went to bed.


In the morning he shook me awake.

"wake up love, it's 9:00."

I groaned and pulled the blankets over my head.
He pulled me out of bed and carried me downstairs. I opened my eyes and whined, looking down. "Put me down."

He put me down and I turned to go back to bed, so he picked me back up.

"I'm tired!" I snapped.

"You've slept enough. It's time to wake up."

I groaned and squirmed. He sat me in the kitchen chair then made me a bowl of cereal.

"I'm not hungry."
"You need to eat."
"No I don't."
"Don't back talk me." He said sternly.

"Whatever, I'm not eating."

"Meagan, I'm trying to be patient with you! Now eat!"

"You don't get to boss me around! I hate you! I don't wanna be here!"

"Too bad. Meagan, please, just give it a chance. Give me a chance. I know what you've been through. I'll never hurt you. I promise."

Then it hit me. He's my father. That's why we look alike. Why we have a lot in common. Why he adopted me.

My voice cracked, "when were you going to tell me?"

He sighed. "I was waiting for the right time."

I stared at him. He' dad.

"I can explain everything, if you just give me a chance to."

I nodded.

"Your mom died in the car crash a little after you were born. We were already split up. I never knew about you. I didn't even know you were born until CPS tracked me down and told me. I didn't even know she died until a phew months ago."

Tears streamed down my face. He wiped them with his thumb. "Don't cry babygirl. I'm here now."

I stared at him again. "Y-You're....You...You're my d-dad"

"Yes I am.."

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