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I walk down the rainy street, hood pulled over my head. I look at one person walking past me and when they see me they cringe away. I sigh. Looking at my reflection in a near-by window I see glowing yellow eyes looking back at me. I turn away fast and keep going. I keep my head down as I go, avoiding eye contact.

Suddenly I bump into someone and look up to see a teenage boy looking back at me. He was in a tanktop and I could see a Mark on his shoulder. It was different from mine though, flame shaped.

 "Uhh...." I start.

"Move, I need to go." He says shoving me aside and continuing down the street.

I sigh as I think if I should follow him or keep going. I decide to keep walking.

His Mark was a black tribal-looking flame outlined in orange. I feel dizzy for a minute and lean into an ally. My shoulder burns so I pull my shirt down and see my paw-print shaped Mark glowing blue again. I pull my sweat-shirt back up and decide to follow the boy after-all.

I jog down the sidewalk until I reach the corner. I look left to right. I go towards the left but something tells me that he's on the right so I turn. When I start to lose an idea of where he is, I close my eyes and focus. A certain smell fills my nose and I follow it. I soon come upon a small shack. I look inside and see the boy. He was sitting with a girl who looked just like him.

"Yea.....I think she is one of us too." The girl nods.

The boy sighs. "Yea, but I didn't catch any signs on her. Maybe they were under her clothes. But I'm sure she is. She had glowing yellow eyes."

The girl, who I assume is his twin, stands up. "I say we go look for her."

"She could be anywhere by now Tammy.....I wouldn't know where to look....."

"The Marks will lead us....." She gasps, "Look! It's burning hot! She must be close!"

I slowly back away as they make their way towards the door. As they come outside I go to run but trip.

"There she is!" The boy yells as they run towards me.

I jump up but they soon gain on me. I feel my muscles changing again and I fall to the ground. I gasp as pain rips through me. I look at my hands and see them changing, slowly morphing into paws.

I try to think. 'Uhhh......wolf? Cheetah?'

I decide I'd try a wolf. I smile as I see thick black fur grow over me. In a flash my clothes rip off and I jump up. I turn to see the kids almost on me. I growl and walk towards them as they walk slowly backwards. I jump towards the girl and get hit by something burning hot.

I turn to see the boy tackled me. I push him off and growl. We face off for a few minutes until the girl yells. I turn to look and see her walking towards us.

"HEY!" She yells, looking right at me, "We only want to talk....could you please come with?"

I growl, unsure whether to trust them. After looking back and fourth I decide to talk with them. It couldn't hurt, and I might get some answers.

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