Human Behavior

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I look down at my Tiffany diamond earrings as they shimmer and glow. I put them on and look back at my perfect complexion in my vanity mirror. Im considered a classic beauty, many people often say I'm like a combination of Grace Kelly and Princess Diana when they see me. My perfect pink lips and creamy complexion contradict with the lifeless green eyes I have. No shimmer or glow in my eyes, no spectacular girl behind this face, just a sad little rich girl who has everything yet nothing. I pull a brave face as I hear my mother call my name.

"Jade, your friends are here ready for brunch," " Darling, please its rude to be late!"

I smile and run down the stairs yelling " Yes mother."

I come from the highest of British society. My mother, in her prime was a wealthy debutant who married an even wealthier Army Sergeant. My family is seen as having the perfect little family with its perfect mother, father and daughter combo. God, how wrong can they even be. I was basically raised by a handful of nannies, but lets be honest what little rich kid hasn't been. Look, I'm not going to bore you with my sob childhood but lets just say I barely even know my parents.

Ive been bred to be as physically perfect as I could be from a young age. Learning to always wake up early to do my hair and fix my face up. I was taught to never leave the house not looking done up, who knows who I might encounter throughout my day. Of course I was taught proper posture, to have my shoulders back, stomach in and chest out. To walk and eat as if I'm with the Queen of England. All these preparations have been made in the effort of finding a wealthy husband. Rules have been set out for me, always marry above or at the same social class as you, never below. I should never fall in love for the sake of love, I should save myself for a man of higher standings who I will learn to love. At the age of twenty-two, I'm at the perfect age to find a proper husband. Im at my peak, Ive gone to University and traveled so I can't complain of not seeing the world and not enjoying my youth. Ive never had a proper boyfriend, sure I've had crushes, but I've never been in love or in a serious relationship. My mother made it clear to me during my rebellious teen years that no man of any wealth of class would marry a little whore, so Ive stayed a virgin all my twenty-two years. My parents have been the ones to set me up with worthy men who would be suitable to marry, yet none have yet peaked my interest. I did have one fellow, I believe his name was Francis, confess to me his undying love. You can guess that I laughed off his little proposal. Im not looking for a nice little bitc- I mean rich boy who has no spine or confidence. Im looking for a dashing, tall dark and handsome type of guy who has real mystery and a story. Yes, I know I sound ridiculous, but its true! I don't want to be in my forties in a boring loveless marriage like my parents. I thirst for adventure and a man who can give me it.

As I walk down towards my guests, I plaster my beautiful fake smile and wave them towards our outside patio. "Hello girls!" "Wow, Meredith your dress is absolutely gorgeous, you must tell me where you got it!" "Bethany! So nice to finally see you."

As they all sit down eyeing my lavender dress with envy I smile and breathe a breath of fresh air. Everyday with these girls its like were having some type of secret competition. No doubt we all hate each other, and that behind each others back we gossip. Yet, we must keep our public personas in check, never bickering or causing drama. Cathy starts the conversation by talking about the famous debutant ball and whats she's going to wear.

"No doubt Jade will win and find the most eligible rich bachelor there." Meredith hisses.

I smile and say "I know all the eligible bachelors that will be there and I can assure you, none peak my interests."

Bethany smiles and says "Oh, but Jade have you heard that Harry Edward Styles shall be there, as in the wealthiest and most handsome bachelor."

I smile back and say "Who?"

Bethany gives her fake little smile and says "Well I'm glad I'm ahead of the game, Harry is Britain's most wanted man. Everyone wants to know him, screw him or marry him. His daddy owns one of the biggest and wealthiest oil companies. Im sure all the young debutants will be hunting for a marriage proposal from him since I've heard he's looking for a wife. His daddy threatened to end his supply of money if he didn't get an heir quick. Something to do with their blood line or something."

Cathy smiles and says "Well girls, I guess were all competition for Mr.Styles now aren't we."

I smile and say "Hm, I guess we are."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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