Chapter 1 [Final]

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“Wake up Kyungsoo~!”Kyungsoo opened his eyes to see his two juniors leaning over him.

“Sehun? Kai? What are you doing here?” Kyungsoo blinked sleepily. He sat up, resting his back against the wall as he took in his surroundings.

Sehun and Kai were both sitting on his bed. They seemed like they were waiting for him. Suho, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol were standing back but they seemed like they were waiting too.

“What's up guys?” Kyungsoo asked, blinking his wide eyes.

“We were waiting for you to wake up. You're such a cute sleeper~!” Chanyeol sang.

“Stop that, hyung!” Kyungsoo protested, feeling bashful. He opened his mouth to say more, but someone came into his bedroom.

“Do Kyungsoo, I am Doctor Jungsik. We have spoken before,” the man said as he sat in the chair Suho had been sitting in a few seconds ago. He didn't seem to pay any attention to anyone other than Kyungsoo.

“I have met you before?” Kyungsoo murmured. “I don't remember.”

“Don't listen to him hyung!” Kai whispered as Suho dragged him out of the room.

Kyungsoo shot the doctor a look of utter bewilderment. “Why did Kai tell me not to listen to you?”

“Who?” It was the doctor's turn to be confused.

“Kai,” Kyungsoo told him matter-of-factly. “Kim Jongin, the one who was dragged out by Suho hyung just now.”

“What are you talking about, Kyungsoo? No one is here.”

“He's lying, hyung!” I heard Kai yell from the outside. He burst into the room, followed by the others.

The doctor, seeming to notice that his attention wasn't on him asked, “Are your friends here now?”

Kyungsoo nodded, wondering what was going on.

“Kyungsoo, you are not metnally stable. Your friends aren't real.”

He couldn't believe his ears. How could someone say that Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Suho, Sehun, and Kai weren't real. He was mentally unstable? This doctor was!

Kai, with Chanyeol right behind him, began waving his hands frantically in front of the man. “He can see us!” Kai insisted.

“Kyungsoo, your friends do not exist. They are all in your mind. They are not real. If they are bothering you, tell them to stop.” The doctor told him calmly. He didn't seem to notice Kai and Chanyeol, but if he did he was good at pretending not to.

“I swear I'm going to hit him!” Kai hissed between clenched teeth. He made a movement as if to lunge at the older man, but Suho grabbed and held him back with the help of Baekhyun.

“Knock it off, Jongin!” Suho scolded his junior.

They dragged the struggling boy out of the room again. Chanyeol and Sehun followed, leaving Kyungsoo alone with Doctor Jungsik.

“Were they here when you woke up?” The man asked.

He nodded.

“Why do you think that is?”

“I don't know. They said they were here for me,” he answered.

“Kyungsoo, do you remember anything from your past or even from yesterday?”

He though hard, his face was scrunching up as he concentrated. He couldn't come up with anything. He just remembered when he woke up.

“Kyungsoo, your friends aren't real. The reason why you have memory problems is because of a fire-”

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