Worst Betrayal

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I yawned, rubbing my eyes, and stretched like a cat in my bed.
I sighed for a moment, content and relaxed.
"Good morning, Darling. " Kessler greeted me. He ushered me down stairs. "Today, we a have surprise guest for you. She is someone that I am actually well acquainted with, so are you. Granted, I must leave soon, it's a pesky business, you know? Being the leader of the Blue Bloods. I must go teach someone a lesson and give them new manners, of course." He spoke smiling, as if he were talking about the weather.
Kessler has this manic glint in his eyes from madness. He acts like killing and torturing people for a living is normal and which I guess in his mind, it is.
"Bye, Darling, you can go out if you wish, and do whatever you want, but I prefer if you wait for our guest. Good day!" He got in his Lamborghini and drove away. I shook my head. Why don't I just kill the bastard while he's sleeping by slitting his throat and make him choke on his on blood until his last breath? I'd still get revenge. I chose to do things the hard way.
I bang my head a few times against a wall. Ugh. Ridiculous.
I grabbed one of my books and started reading. The door bell rang. I went to the door and opened it. "Hel...lo...." My voice trailed off in a croak. I stood in shock. I blinked repeatedly, not moving.
She is our guest?? Did he set this up? Whats going on?!
Why the hell is Kat standing in my door way??!!
"Kat?! What the hell are you doing here?" I ask as I stare at her. She just stairs at the ground, and mumbles, "May I come in?" I recoil from her, a disgusted look on my face. Something's not right here. Anger boiled in my blood. I was fuming.
Something was definitely fucking wrong with this picture.
I open the door all the way, and rudely wave her through.
Alarms are going off in my head. And why am I so angry at Kat right now? I'm never angry at Kat. I lead her to the couch.
"Kessler asked me over as a favor..." She started.
"Woah, OKAY! Hold on for one damn minute. He asked you for a favor, for you to come over here?"
She shrugged. "Yeah. And?" My mouth drops at her audacity. The way she's acting. No. It couldn't be. Stop, Maesyn, you don't want to over think or analyze the situation. I've known her since middle school. I know her, but this Kat right here, this woman with a different body language, is not the one I know. She's a stranger.
Was it all a lie? Did I ever really know her at all?
Kat was watching curiously. Watching me connect the dots, waiting for my revelation. No. She was expectant.
No no no no!
"You were never my friend were you?"
Kat smiled, smug and cruel and said, "Bingo! We have a winner! Took you long enough. I'm surprised you didn't find out sooner!" And then she started laughing.
"All those 'Heart to Heart moments' are not my thing, sweet cheeks. I never signed up to be in a Hallmark movie series. Wow and you believed it. And Maesyn, how did you think they found you that fast, huh? Living in that town, Taz wasn't apart of the scenario mapped out but Kessler and I did our best. At the Lake, you honestly believed he would shoot me. Your act was commendable and Noble. But you and I, were never really friends. If killing me would have truly served his purpose then I would allow him. I don't mind dying for him." She sighed, a dreamy look on her face. I was repulsed and wanted to gag.
"Well, then. I guess that makes you his side bitch. Always second place, Kat. You should try harder. With me in the picture, and he wanted me from the start, he'll never be with you like you want him to." I spat at her. I smile slow and dauntingly and leaned forward to whisper in her ear, "I will always be in first place. Your just sloppy seconds." I lean back, stand up and walk away from her.
I glance back at her over my shoulder, "I'm glad your finally showing your true colors and Kessler is a madman, one that I can handle, but you? You wouldn't even make it to first base. Also, I hate his guts, and I plan on killing him nice and slow, after he falls in love with me. Though, I should applaud you and give you more credit. Damn, you had me fooled, I didn't see a damn thing. You gave him Intel. About me and my brothers, about Taz, that explains Scarface and Taz's Coffee Shop." I whistled and shook my head. "I was right. You are an actress and a bold face liar, your only other talents, besides fucking and pining after a man who will never love you. I thought I had it bad, but I do pity you. And thank you, for being a backstabbing bitch and proving to me that I can never truly trust anyone other than myself, besides my family. And more thing, before I put you out on your ass, are my brothers and Taz okay? Oren and them? Honestly?" I asked.
She nodded, glaring at me. "As far as I know."
I nodded. "Thanks , now bye!" I grab her forcefully and drag her to the door and stop. I blink slowly and smile a twisted, crooked smile. "You what? Go sit back down. I'll let you stay, Kessler will be home any minute." Kat goes and sits back down, watching me suspiciously. I just stare back with a smirk.
"Hey, my Darling!" He greeted, walking through the door. "Hey," I supplied him with, meeting his lips with mine. I made it slow and sensual, I groaned low in my throat as he deepened the kiss further. We both pulled back, and I gave him a sultry look, looking at him through my lashes. I've given him this look when were doing bad things in bed. I arched my neck as he kissed the side and bit down. I moaned, and knowing Kat watched made me laugh inside my head.
Kessler chuckled. "I see you to are on good terms again. Good. I must go back out I may be out until the late morning, Darling, so don't wait up." He kissed me again before leaving. I figured he came back just to let me know that.
As I turned back, I was slammed to the floor. "HE'S MINE!!" Kat screamed. Kat insane too. Great.
She straddled and wrapped her hands around my throat and started squeezing. I choked, trying to breathe. Kat had lost it. She has this glazed look in her eyes. I try to remove her hands before I black out. I bucked my body, wriggling, I use my knee after I buck enough to get her from straddling me and slam it into her chest. She flies back from the force and I'm greedily gulping air. She tried to kill me. And here she comes back for more but I'm ready.
She throws a punch and I duck, avoiding it. I bring up my forearm to block her next one. I tackle her and grapple to be on top, to have the upper hand. We both stand up, and were both bleeding, and for a moment we just stare. Why did it have to be this way? I wondered.
She's charging at me and I move out of the way for her to fall on her face. She screams and pulls out a pocket knife. Fuck my life , man. Seriously? I cannot catch a break.
I run upstairs for my gun. I go to shut the door and slam it on her hand as she tries to get in. She jerks back. I close the door and lock it. She's screaming and cursing. I broke her hand. I searched through everything and found my gun. I checked the chamber. Still has bullets. I go to the door and unlock it. I take my time opening it, slowly. It's quiet. Too quiet. Kat is clinically insane. I'm just now realizing that.

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