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Me and Jack where sitting in the car but in the middle of traffic. I take that this isn't a good thing because Jack sighs every minute and honestly its starting to bug the living shit out of me 

'' Where are we going that is so important that you keep sighing every minute while sitting in  sitting in traffic?'' I ask

'' I was taking us out for lunch but we are late and someone else has probably taken our table so i guess we could just go to a bar or gout for a walk in the park, something like that'' Jack replied honestly '' I am really sorry''

'' No need to apologise, its fine'' I say with a smile on my face, I guess Jack thought i would make a big fuss over it as he blew i big sigh of relief then turned round and smiled at me.

We stayed in the car, chatting about weird thing's and planing about what we are going to do when we are old people and we have wrinkles, i totally cant wait till that happen............SARCASM LOL

Sometime later we got out of Jack's car and it was at that moment i soon realized we where at a park that seemed to be abandoned, the eerie sounds of crows and by the sound of it, screaming cat's echoed through the whole place causing shivers to run up my spine

'' Where are we?'' I asked turning in circles, getting a better look at my surroundings

'' I honestly have no idea, i guess the idea on going on a lunch date got thrown out the window '' Jack replied honestly

'' Well this place doesn't look to welcoming, lets hope we ain't lost cause that's not good for anyone'' I said furrowing my eyebrows and scrunching my nose in disgust

'' Not trying to damn one's spirits but i think we are lost'' Jack  said taking my hand

'' Well since we are here i guess we should go take a look around'' i sighed hoping that i wouldn't regret saying this but i can tell i will because i always get  jinxed in things like this

'' Might not be the best idea  but we might as well '' Jack said also hoping not to get jinxed

We started to walk, still holding hands. I wonder why this place is so lonely and spooky, it looked there was some sort of fight. I take i quick glance at Jack to see him focusing on something in the distance

'' What's caught your attention?'' I asked

'' There is something over there, it looks like a car or a van, i don't know but i don't think we should go any further, lets head back. I don't get a good felling here'' Jack said

'' Yeah same, lets go back'' I said

We turned around to see a black silhouette standing right in front of us, i screamed put of fright and panic then closed my eyes but when i opened them again, there was nothing and no one there................

Hey sorry for the lack of uploads and sorry for this short chapter but i will try make the next chapter longer, i tried to make it have some action, so don't judge ;]

Rebecca Xx 

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