36. Ships

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When a boat is sinking, we try to throw out the water and patch up the hole that lets the water in. But sadly, that doesn't always work. Sometimes when there is no choice left, we have to abandon the sinking boat to save ourselves because if we continue to hold on, we'll all go down with it.

Like friendships and relationships, when our ships start sinking in time of difficulty we throw out the bad water and try to patch it up by resolving it. But once it's meaningless to hold on, we hop onto a lifeboat and abandon that ship to save ourselves because holding on will bring us down with it.
This particular thought held a very important meaning to me. It's really sad that in life everyone leaves at the end of the day but only the true ones stay. But how many true people are there in the world? Maybe 1 in a million because people care about themselves more than anything.

To let go of a relationship with someone might hurt but if you have a strong relationship with someone letting go isn't an option. People leave all the time but it's alright.

If it means a lot, fight for it.
If you don't fight for it, don't regret it.

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