Eldon's offer

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Eldon's POV

I'm at Riley's house because I just dropped her home and she's upstairs sleeping. I don't know maybe I like her. Me and Riley have been best friends since year 1 and we have always been super close, just then I hear the front door open revealing Emily "ahh you scared me what are you doing here" Emily says "sorry didn't mean to scare you" I reply "where's ri"? She asks me "she's upstairs sleeping" I tell her "oh OK" she says and rushes upstairs.

2 weeks later

Today is the day I'm going to tell Riley about my feelings for her I hope she doesn't reject me. I make my way into culture shock and see ri talking to Chloe "hey ri can I talk to you"? I ask her nervously "yea sure I'll be back in a sec chlo" she says we walk to the opposite side of culture shock and sit on a sofa "what did you want to talk about"? She asks " uuhh I um I'm just gonna say it I like you ri I mean I really like you" I say sheepishly "really" she asks "yea" I reply nervously she doesn't say anything back instead to my surprise she kisses me "I like you too you" she says "really well great cause I wanna be more than just friends" I say to her "she smiles saying that she would like that kissing my cheek and saying she better get back to Chloe.

Chloe's POV

Oh my gosh Riley just kissed Eldon I didn't know that she liked him are they a couple why didn't she tell me oh my gosh she's coming back.

Riley's POV

I walk back to Chloe she has a huge smile on her face "whats up with you" I ask her "why didn't you tell me you Eldon were dating"! She shouts at me "I wasn't until just now" I say exited "OMG congrats girl" she says hugging me I say thanks and we carry on talking.

Eldon's POV

I can't believe me and riles are dating I've got to tell my bros I walk into studio A and see James, hunter, west and Noah "yo guys geuss who's ri's new boyfriend" I shout "congrats man" Noah says "seriously" west says "cool" hunter" says James just glares at me and leaves "oh yea I forgot I shouldn't have said that in front of James should I" I say sheepishly "don't worry man he'll get over it" Noah tells me he's kind of become my number 1 man.

2 hours later

I'm sitting on my bed bored so I decide to text ri and see if she wants to come over.

E- hey riles you wanna come over☺

R- yea sure be there in 5 😀

E-  k luv you💕😘

R- 💞💕

I hear the door bell ring and go and opening it to see ri standing there with a big baby bump "you've gotten big" I say "thanks" she says like a question "I meant you look beautiful" I kiss up "oh OK" she says sarcastically.

Riley's POV

Me and Eldon are cuddled up on the couch when I feel my stomach move "ELDON"!!! I scream "what's wrong" he says concerned "the baby kicked" I say excitedly as I move his hand onto my stomach "that's great babe" he says and kisses me on my forehead.

(A-N hey guys please comment on what you think I should do in this story I feel like its going nowhere if no one has any ideas then I'll probably stop writing this book so tell me what you think thx bye)

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